Chapter 60

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Sorrel's mouth tightened ever so slightly. "They will not die, but you shall if you even attempt it."

Branch raised an eyebrow. "You think so? I think you require a demonstration, then." I glanced at Arden. What did he mean? He shook his head, eyebrows knitting together in worry. The answer became apparent as Branch glanced at the soldier nearest him, who was holding a young boy.

The soldier obediently shuffled over, armor clinking in dead silence, the elf in his hands apparently too terrified to speak. Another soldier drew his sword.

An elf shrieked. "Stop!" Her face was white as snow. The child's face was a replica of her's. "Mother!" He cried, finally letting a tear slip. Branch held up a hand. "Are you sure you don't want to surrender yet, Sir Sorrel?"

Sorrel stood resolute, not saying anything. I traded a frightened glance with Maple, who mouthed, 'We have to stop this'. I nodded. But we never got the chance. "Time's up!" Branch announced. He shook his head at the soldier, who put his sword back in its sheath.

What was he doing?

He shoved his hands into his pockets. Every elf held their breath as we watched him in confusion. He pulled his hands back out, holding...two stones. He grinned diabolically at me, madness sparking in his eyes.

He struck one stone against the other, my eyes widening as I realized what they were. Flint and steel. Used to make fires. Still grinning at me, he turned in triumph as the spark landed on an old, dead tree.

We watched in horror as the tree burst into flames, realizing what he was going to do. The elf's scream as he was about to be thrust into the flames was horrifying, and it mingled with mine as I dropped to my knees, pain crippling me.

I wasn't aware of anything but the searing pain in my head, caused by the Forest hurting. My vision burned angry red, my head aching. The pain only intensified more and more times until I was barely conscious.

This had to stop. I unleashed a long scream, drowning in the pain-

The ringing in my ears shut off abruptly.

I cautiously opened my eyes, stupefied to find the throbbing in my head gone. I opened my eyes, blinking away bright spots, and focused on the Forest around me. All the trees around had apparently been burned, but not much.

Because the flame was now hovering over the soldiers.

Branch, looking stunned, whirled to me. Utter silence hung over the camp for a long, tantalizing moment. The rebels rushed at the soldiers, using the element of surprise to free their children. I stood up shakily, using Arden and Maple's support, looking around in amazement.

All around, children were being released, the rebels fighting with manic determination, using the Forest, trapping Ivy's soldiers. I saw the young boy enveloped in a huge embrace from his mother, and Conall lifted into the air by his the woman.

We were winning.

Branch bellowed in rage as my eyes snapped back to him, but he couldn't do anything. He clenched his fists, and the earth rose in a circle around us, leaving me with one echo in my ears. "RETREAT!"

The wall crumbled away, revealing- nothing. They had disappeared the way they'd come. "Go after them!" I heard Birch yell from somewhere in the midst of the fighters. Maple, Arden and I stood in silence until Grove pushed through the crowd, Meadow clinging tightly to her side, Birch and Aiden a minute behind her.

"What just happened?" Arden asked, arm still protectively around me but sliding off to embrace his sister. I noted dimly that the fire had simply disappeared.

Birch shook his head in awe. "I've never seen anything like it. Elvina, you did it." "What?" I mumbled, head feeling fuzzy. "The fire. It was a Forest fire. Belonging to the Forest. And controlled it."

I manage to clear my thoughts enough to nod once.

Then I promptly collapsed.

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