Chapter ❻: Count on Me

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'Til I Found You

Chapter ❻ "Count on Me"

Its been four months after our first day of school and since then my classmates and I became friends. I can say that there are few who I am not yet comfortable with. Maybe because we don't bond that much compare to others but you know, I can wait. We really can't force people to become our friends immediately because it takes the right time. Anyway, here's my friends.

Meet my Buddies:

• Krtistel Aviera - the "Charming and the Blubbly" kind of person. She has this good vibes aura that can transfer your mood from cloudy into warm breeze air.

• Tony Francisco - the "Boyish". She's not tomboy but act as "One-of-the-Guys" in the crowd. She also part of a sorority group which I'm really afraid of. I always make sure that I don't get offended her or anything because I'm afraid she's gonna hurt me. But she assured us that she's not like that but STILL. Sigh.

• Veena Ong - the "Fashionista / Kikay". If you want to ask what's the latest and trending fashion in the world, Veena is the one that you can trust. But sometimes we find her OA about being fashionista due to the fact that she's always bringing her compact mirror just to make sure her T-zone is not yet oily, or her hair is in the right style or if her lipstick is still on. You can't see her without that thing, even if sometimes we have a test, instead of bringing her notes to review her compact mirror is the one she's holding. I think without all of those makeup on she'll still be good looking. But yeah, we have different views in life.

• Jen Trillas - the "Pep Squad Dancer & Sexy Chix". Jen is part of our University Pep Squad. She's quiet petite - a five foot flat lady. But her voice has this full volume, maybe its because whenever you're a member of a pep squad you have to maximize the range of your voice so the crowd may hear you.

• Coreen Ramos - the "Model, Ate and the Serious" type of our group. She started modeling when she was in highschool up until now. She's always serious in a way I find her scary. Oh I'm just kidding. Maybe I'm just being judgemental, we didn't bond that much like one on one. But still I want her to become my close friend because I want to feel to have an Ate.

• Mitch Guzman - the "BI/Bad Influence". Kidding! Let me rephrase that. Mitch Guzman is the "Party Goer / Loud / Liberated Girl. She admits that she's a smoker, an alcoholic drinker and even dare to cut classes. A real party goer I must say. But she also said that just what she do and nothing else. Right, Mitch. Whatever you say. Oh! I should add that she's also the comedian in our group.

• Athena Navarro - the "Genius with a Genuine Heart" among us. She's very pretty and very talented. When you first saw her you'll think, 'Ah! This girl is very shy.' but hey, you're wrong! When you get to know her for real, she's madaldal! She has this cute doll face. Whenever we have a play-role she acts in character. As in, she's very good at it. And she's a blogger in Tumblr with a 700k followers. How's that? Well, I can say she's really smart whenever she puts her passion and I really admire her for that.

• Teddy Junes - the "Gentle" kind of girl that wears a smile on her face everyday. Bungisngis as we put it. Her voice is soft like an Angel but she's very shy. We always encourage her to step out in her box and try new things and she agreed with a baby step. That much better rather than say no and keep asking yourself of "what ifs".

• Tiffany Wilson - well, Tiffany is Tiffany. Well, sometimes we get bond and sometimes we don't. We think her as the "Moody Queen". She say whatever she want to say even if may hurt others feelings. But in our group she handle it with care. She's really sweet when she have something and share it to us. And by the way, there's a third year level who has a crush on her. Aaw. I really find it so cute. The guy is handsome and give her something special every other day. Sweet isn't it? But some other guys are doing the same thing. Ganda kasi! Then they called her "CC" as in "Campus Crush".

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