The Promise

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Arthit and Kongpob's mum went off, talking about their kids.

"How can they refuse now? It was their decision in the first place"

"Oh, they were so cute back then"

"They have both grown up to be fine young men"

"I can't believe this is finally happening"

The mums chatted happily as they walked back to their rooms.

Years ago ---

Mr. Rojnapat and Mr. Suthiluck - Arthit and Kongpob's grand fathers were best friends. They met while doing business together and got close. They always helped each other out in times of need, and that deepened their friendship bond. They wanted to stay close together, and what better way to do that than becoming in-laws. But unfortunately, their children were already married. This did not stop them from thinking of other ways to keep their families together.

When Arthit was born, it was a joyous occasion. Mr. Suthiluck and his family visited them to celebrate the birth. It was the same when Kongpob was born, Mr. Rojnapat and his family visited to celebrate the new birth. It was then that Arthit's mum and Kongpob's mum become good friends, and they made an effort to keep in touch.

Due to the nature of their jobs, Arthit and Kongpob's parents were moving to different locations which created a distance. Knowing it would be the last time they would all be together in the same place they decided to book a trip and rented a villa to spend a weekend together with both families. 

Both families needed the trip, and they enjoyed spending time with each other.

Arthit was six years old at the time, he met a boy younger than himself sitting alone. As he approached the boy, he noticed him looking at him curiously with his large brown eyes. Young Arthit smiled at the boy and asked if he wanted to play together, the boy smiled back at Arthit and followed him to go play. They immediately took a liking to each other.

The boy's mums were looking for their sons to introduce them to each other. After looking for a while, they found them playing with each other outside at the swing set. They decided to leave them be as they had a lot to do preparing dinner.

After playing for a while, Kongpob heard his mum calling for him in for dinner.

"Where have you been honey?"

"With Oon"

"Oon? Who is Oon?" she asked her son, she thought he was outside playing with Arthit, 

Kongpob pointed to a young Athit who was standing next to his mum.

"You mean Arthit?" and he nodded.

Young Kongpob had difficulties pronouncing Arthit's name, so he called him Oon instead

"Is that what he calls you?" Arthit's mum asked her son, and he nodded

The mums guessed that Kongpob could not pronounce Arthit's name, so he called him Oon instead. Both mums giggled at the new name 

Arthit did not mind being called Oon by Kongpob, he was happy with the nick name young Kongpob gave him.

After dinner, Arthit said he was going to watch TV, and he pulled Kongpob along with him.

For the remainder of their stay, Arthit and Kongpob became inseparable, you wouldn't find one without the other. And they did everything together, which included playing, eating, bathing, and seeping.

Arthit was happy that he had someone within his age range to play with, seeing as he was an only child. Kongpob followed Oon everywhere and did everything he said.

It was finally the last day of the trip, and both families where packing up to leave.

"Do we get to come back again" Kongpob asked his mum, he wanted to spend more time with Arthit.

His parents explained that they would be moving to another location, and would not be able to see Arthit's family for a while.

This left Kongpob crying and holding onto Arthit, not wanting to let him go.

Arthit got upset that Kong was crying, then he turned and told his parents that he wants to stay with Kongpob

Both families had two sad boys in front them, not wanting to let go of each other. It was a sad situation, but what could they do?

Their grand dads felt their pain, they knew that if the boys grew up together, they would be the best of friends just like them, but life sometimes does not work the way you want it to. To support their families, the parents had to move.

Kongpob's mum tried her best to explain to her young son why they had to move, but Kongpob just kept on crying

Then he asked, "can Oon stay with us?"

"No honey, he needs to be with his family"

All out of ideas, Kongpob told his family that he wants to marry Arthit.

Well, both families were shocked at what a young Kongpob said.

"Why do you want to marry him?" his grandpa asked

"So that we would always be together like mommy and daddy" Kongpob answered back with a serious expression.

Their grandparents were still looking for a way to keep the family together, and the opportunity presented itself. They asked their children if they were ok with marrying Arthit and Kongpop once they were older. The parents thought about it for a while, and they ended up consenting to the idea.

Arthit and Kongpob's mum were the most excited about it. They did not want to lose each other, as they had both grown closer together, like sisters, and now they were going to be in-laws. The husbands supported their wives' decisions and were ok with it. Although Arthit was an only child, they were gaining another son, and the two daughters that Kongpob's mum had.

When both families agreed to it, their grandparents decided to make it official, and then told the parents to grant their wishes when the boys were older.

Kongpob's grandfather told Kong that he had to officially ask Arthit to marry him.

"What does that mean" Kong asked him

Kongpob's grandfather then told him to repeat what he says, 'will you marry me'

"Will you marry me" Kongpob asked Arthit with a wide smile on his face

Looking at the cute young Kongpob in front of him, Arthit nodded his head.

"You have to say yes Arthit", his grandfather told him

"Yes" Arthit replied smiling as well, he was not ready to lose Kongpob.

"That means we would be together forever right" Arthit said

"Yes", Kongpob replied.

That evening at the villa, young Arthit and Kongpob were officially engaged

"Don't forget to keep your promises ok" their grandfathers said to them

"Yes", they both replied

Eventually, the two families moved to different locations, and as they grew up the boys forgot about each other and the promise they made. But their parents remembered especially their mums, and could not wait for when they would be in-laws

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