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"Please babe"


"Oon" he whined


"I said I was sorry"

"I know"

"I'll make you breakfast in bed" he offered

"And let you destroy the kitchen again?" he responded

"I'll get you another cup of pink milk" he said hoping it would work

"You weren't going to get it?"

"I was going to" he answered quickly, assuring the senior before his mood changed. "So, am I forgiven?"

"Not yet"

"Still continuing on with my punishment?"


Kong and Arthit were sitting across each other for a supposedly mentoring session, but so far none of them were studying as Arthit sat there thinking of more ways to punish Kong for his earlier transgressions, while Kong was trying to apologize to his stubborn fiancé.

First Arthit had gone all head hazer on him, which did not faze him at all, then he was made to eat spicy food which he did not like, and he was banned from playing basketball. Plus, Arthit was still looking to add more to the list.

Realizing that Kong had been silent for a while, Arthit peeked up at him and noticed that Kong was sulking, looking at him with those pleading eyes and pouting lips which had him doing anything the junior wanted. Now he started debating on whether to continue the punishment or not.

"Don't give me that look" Arthit said

"What Look?"

"That" he said pointing at Kong's face, "I can't be serious when you look at me like that" he reasoned. He really did not like seeing Kong with a pout on his face, a smile or happy face was what suited him best.

 When he looked at Kong, he was still sulking and Arthit gave up. "Ok fine, I won't punish you anymore" and Kong finally smiled knowing he had won

"But you're still not playing any basketball" Arthit commented

The reason Arthit forbade him from playing was because he got hurt. Who would want their loved one hurt, if they could prevent it.

Kong got up and sat next to Arthit which startled him. He leaned in, cupping Arthit's cheeks and brought his face closer to his

"W-what are you doing?" Arthit asked getting flustered.

"Oon" he called in that low husky voice that made Arthit lose all his reasoning

"hmm" was all he could muster with how fast his heart was beating

"I promise I won't get hurt again" he said nuzzling his nose with his, then he tilted his head slightly, their lips almost touching –

"Ok ok break it up," Bright said sitting in between them "seriously we can't leave you guys alone together for one second, aren't you supposed to be studying anyway?"

"Of course he is studying" Toota replied, "Kongpop 101, his favorite subject" he added as they all sat down

Arthit's face went nuclear red, if only the earth could open up and swallow him right now, he forgot that they were outside at one of the study areas, so much for no PDA.

"What do you guys want" he questioned his friends

"Wow, someone is snappy"

"What did you expect, you interrupted his time with-"

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