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Kongpob and Aim were sitting outside at one of the study areas as Aim waited for his mentor. Whatever Aim was talking to Kong about for the past five minutes fell on deaf ears, as Kong was zoned out not paying attention to him.

Kong's mind was occupied with thoughts on a certain senior which for the hell of it could not stop thinking about

Tired of talking to himself, Aim hit the back of Kong's head trying to snap him out of his thoughts

"What was that for"

Aim just smiled at his friend, shaking his head "let me guess, you were in Arthit dream land again"

"That obvious" he questioned with an apologetic smile

"You really like him don't you"

"What's there not to like, he is cute beyond words, has blue eyes that reflect the sky, and his hair is as soft as cat's fur"

'Seriously when he starts talking about P'Arthit he doesn't shut up' Aim thought as he watched his friend go on and on about the head hazer. "Ok ok ok stop, no need to explain, plus I don't want to hear that"

"Sorry, can't help it"

"Still trying to convince your parents to stop the wedding?"


"What if P'Arthit still wants to cancel the wedding"

"That just means I have two years to make him fall in love with me"

"Great, because I am going to be your best man"

"Who else is going to be my best man"

They were talking and laughing with each other when Aim's mentor joined them. After saying his goodbyes, Kong left

"So, you are going to be Kong's best man" Toota asked, he had obviously heard part of their conversation


 'Wonder who Arthit is going to pick as his best man' Toota thought, but he decided to push it aside and continue the session with Aim

Later that afternoon in class, Toota brought up the topic of who was going to be Arthit's best man and the four of them started fighting over the position.

"Ok, why don't we let Arthit decide who his best man is going to be" Knott suggested

"We all know he is going to choose you" Prem, Bright and Toota replied

Not giving up on the idea that either of them could be the best man, they went back to fighting over the position. In the midst of their argument,  Arthit walked into class, and the four friends turned their attention to him, looking at him expectantly and excited.

Looking at their faces, Arthit knew they were up to something, "What?" he asked them as he sat down

"Who would you choose as your best man" Bright asked

"Best man?"


"For who's wedding"



"Yes you, you and 0062"

"But, I'm not getting married" Arthit replied

"I guess that's true, there is no point in getting married, when you act as though you are already married to him, but you have to make it official before someone steals him away from you" Knott told him

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