Unlucky Doctor

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Kong and his friends sat down for lunch and listened as Wad expressed his dislike for his mentor, and he wasn't looking forward to any future sessions with him. He went on and on, on how he hated working with Prem, which according to him did not deserve the respect he so demanded.

His friends did feel sorry for him because sometimes Prem can be intolerable. No one else seemed to have an issue with their mentor, individually the seniors where okay but when together, their unhealthy behaviors had all the juniors scared to approach them.

"P'Prem does not listen, and he seems to be angry all the time"

"You have it rough, at least you are not engaged to yours like Kong is" Aim spoke mindlessly to his griping friend as he continued to eat.

Suddenly, everyone went quiet as they tried to register what Aim said, he looked up to see his friends starring at him then at Kong in disbelief.

"You are engaged to P'Arthit" they questioned

Kong nodded his head, realizing that he had mentioned it to Aim only. 

"Thanks for telling us" Tew said 

"Sorry I didn't tell you guys", Kong apologized to his friends, it wasn't something that could easily be said, nor did he have a right time to tell them, except for now when Aim blurted it out.

"Is that why you called him your wife at the hazing activities"

Kong only smiled and explained everything to his friends.

After lunch, they headed to class but the class scheduled that afternoon was cancelled due to the professor having an emergency, so they decided to go out to the court and play basketball. But the fun game ended up with them in the hospital.

Kong was in the room getting assessed by the doctor while his friends filled out the registration form. They got to the section of emergency contact, and they wrote down Arthit's name and number. Thinking about it, someone would have to notify him that Kong was in the hospital.

They looked at each other, deciding who amongst them would make the dreadful phone call to the head hazer, and they opted for Tew.

"Tew, since you are the class president, you should notify him" they reasoned

"You want me, to call the head hazer of all people to let him know that his fiancé is in the hospital? are you trying to sign my death warrant? What did I ever do to you guys?" he said, desperately hoping they wouldn't let him make the call

"Ok ok, calm down" then Oak turned to Aim. "Aim, since you are Kong's best man, you have the honor of calling P'Arthit and letting him know what happened". With that, they left and went back to the room Kong was in.

The doctor taking care of Kong introduced himself as Dr. Sam, who was currently doing his residency in that hospital. He asked Kong what happened, and Kong explained that one of the student they were playing against collided with him knocking him to the ground, and he hurt his wrist in an attempt to break the fall.

Dr. Sam explained to Kong the results of his x-ray, which determined that he had ligament damage, and a feeling of looseness to the joint in his right wrist. He then compressed the wrist with a bandage to bring down the swelling.

The doctor asked Kong if he was hurting anywhere else as a result of the fall, and Kong pointed to his abdomen. After taking off his shirt so the doctor could examine the area, he noted a bruise along the right side of his abdomen and he hissed in pain when the doctor exerted pressure as he palpated the area.

After assessing his abdominal area, no injuries were noted, just the bruise which should clear up in a few days. The Doctor also noted a reddened area on Kong's chest which was definitely not from the fall and was a little skeptical about it.

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