Internship II

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The next time Arthit went to the company, he apologized to Kenneth about the previous night, but he waved it off and told Arthit he understood. "And besides, I recognized the look" he said

"What look" Arthit asked a little perplexed

"The one that says 'stay away he is mine'" he explained,

"How did you know?" Arthit sheepishly asked

He smirked before responding to Arthit "my husband has the same look sometimes" then he pulled out a picture from his wallet and showed Arthit. It was a picture of Kenneth and his husband, Kenneth was being hugged from behind by his husband as they smiled warmly at each other.

"Also" Kenneth continued, "your face literally lit up when you saw him, trust me, nobody smiles that way for just anybody" he teased

And Arthit blushed, shocked that Kenneth could tell from his expression alone. He needs to work on controlling his emotions especially around Kong

"How long have you guys been together?" Kenneth asked

"A year" Arthit responded, a soft smile on his face as he thought fondly of Kong.

"I see why he is so possessive, you are cute" Kenneth commented smiling at Arthit

"Are you flirting with our intern Kenneth?" Anna a member of Team B asked, as the rest of the Team walked in.

"What, no!" Kenneth responded

"Wonder what Doug would say, mmh Kenny" they all teased as they watched Kenneth fret about his husband's reaction.

"You misunderstand" and they snickered, they've had fun teasing Kenneth on multiple accounts

"So Arthit, who was your friend from last night?" they asked

"He is quite handsome"

"Is he single?"

"Does he have a girlfriend?"

"Can we take him out?"

Now it was Arthit's turn to glare

"That is not a good idea" Kenneth said

"Why, do you want him as well? First Arthit and now his friend, poor Doug, he has no idea what his husband does while he is at work"

"No no no, that's not what I meant" he explained, "that is Arthit's boyfriend"

"Oh," she sighed, "good guys are so hard to come by these days, and the ones we find are already taken" she said dejectedly

"Alright, back to work everyone" Kenneth said

Over the course of his internship program, Arthit settled into a nice routine, working with members of Team B. They were impressed with how well he worked, and Arthit learned a lot. They also got acquainted with Kongpob as he was there every evening to pick up Arthit. Now he was teased along with Kenneth any chance they got.

For his final month at S&R Corporation, Kenneth gave Arthit an opportunity to complete a project, and he chose to design an automated vacuum cleaner robotic system. Kenneth let Arthit be in charge, as the leader for the project since it was his idea, and project to complete. With his experience as a head hazer, Arthit did well in leading the team and they were successful with the project.

After all their hard work, the automated vacuum cleaner robotic system was created, it was a system that allows for automatic cleaning of a particular area or room by covering the area using border analysis. The system uses ultrasonic sensors for boundary sensing and operates accordingly in order to cover an entire room. It also displays the time utilized for complete cleaning session and displays it on LCD display post the cleaning process.

With his project completed, Arthit was at the end of his internship program. Now he was seated in the manager office for his evaluation. The manager was very impressed with Arthit and commended him on a job well done, especially with the project.

"I heard you came up with the idea for the project" the manager spoke, and Arthit responded with a "yes sir"

"You are very smart and hardworking, I love people like you. Have you thought of where you want to work after you graduate?" he asked, "You are welcome to apply here, I would have a position ready for you" he continued.

Arthit was honored, as it would be a great opportunity to work at S&R Corporation. He told the manager that he would think about it before making a decision.

"Alright, why don't you let me know after you have made a decision" the manager told him.

The manager got great and positive feedbacks about Arthit from Team B, his work ethics and good-natured behavior. In addition to wanting him to be a part of the company, he was thinking about having Arthit as a family member, as it was difficult to come around young men who were hard working and well mannered.

"You would make a good son in law, unfortunately I have all boys. But I do have a niece who is about your age, if you are interested" he asked

Arthit wasn't expecting that, but he politely declined saying he has someone already

"Too bad" the manager commented, "but if you change your mine let me know"

Arthit thanked him before leaving.

Arthit's time at S&R Corporation came to an end, and on Friday the company organized a farewell party to say goodbye to their interns, apart from Arthit, there were other students as interns in other departments.

After thank you speeches and the interns talking about their experiences at the company and how much they have learned, they all enjoyed food, drinks and lots of handshakes.

In the midst of the party, the manager found Arthit and introduced him to his niece who turned out to be Namtan. Still determined to have Arthit as part of his family, he told them to talk.

This time, Arthit properly introduced his fiancé to Namtan and politely told her there is no way he could have a relationship with her.

Namtan got angry and stumped off, out of the building.

Namtan is an only child, as such her parents spoilt her. She grew up getting everything she wanted from her parents and was completely unable to accept and understand the meaning of no. Now she wanted Arthit, and the more he said no to her, the more she wanted him.

After being rejected again at the party, she planned on getting her revenge. She was not going to give up and was going to do whatever she could to get Arthit. 

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