Crazy Night

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It was almost twelve in the afternoon and both boys were still sleeping. Even Kong who usually woke up at the crack of dawn was no were to be found.

His mum was a little worried, she knew her son was an early riser. She decided to check in on him, but Kong's older sister Dina who arrived that morning said she could check in on him, plus she wanted to see her baby brother. She grabbed the spare key from her mum and made her way towards the room.

When she got to the room, she knocked on the door but got no response. After a couple of attempts at knocking with no response, she decided to open the door with the key she had.

The room was dark, and she saw a figure on the bed assuming it was Kongpob but she did not notice the other person laying down next to him on the other side. She sneaked around to the window blinds pulling it apart letting sunlight brighten the room, with the rays hitting Kongpob directly on his face, this made him groan.

After making the room brighter, Dina examined the state in which the room was in.

"Hey baby bro, you are usually up early, what happened? And why are there clothes scattered all over the floor" she questioned

Kongpob groaned when he felt sunlight hit his face, he tried to sit up but his head was still pounding from all the alcohol last night. He heard someone talking but could not make out who it was or what they were saying, as he was barely awake.

As he sat up in bed, the covers came off exposing his bare chest, which had small red marks all over it.

Dina stood there looking at her baby brother trying to register the site in front of her, then she heard another groan and movement coming from someone next to Kong

Arthit was groaning because he felt a slight chill of cold air when Kong sat up in the bed. She moved closer to the bed to look at the figure who was sleeping, next to Kong. The boy had no shirt on as well. Could not tell if they were both naked because the blanket was covering them below the waist

"Busy night?" she teased "I'm going to leave you guys alone" she quickly backed out of the room, but she popped her head backed in and yelled "Hope you guys used protection" before shutting the door.

With the voices gone, Kong laid back down needing more sleep. Arthit moved closer and cuddled next to him trying to get warm and both boys dived back to sleep.

 Dina went back to the room where her mum was, her mum was talking to her younger sister Cora about the boys' reaction to when she told them they were engaged, and how they both rejected the idea.

"I don't think you need to worry about that" Dina said when she approached them

"Did you see Kongpob, where is he, is he ok" she bombarded Dina with questions worrying about her son

"Don't worry mum, he is more than okay"

Then she asked, "Did you have them share a room?"

"Yes," she explained how it was a decision made between her and Arthit's mum as a way for the boys to get to know each other"

"I bet they did"

Cora asked her what happened,

"Tell you later" she mouthed

Kongpob finally woke up a few hours later with Arthit curled up next to him. He sat up and leaned on the head board of the bed trying to remember what happened last night

What the hell happened he groaned, massaging his temples. He remembered playing the game, with Arthit passing out before the game was over.

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