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Arthit stood in the house after Kong left, the same house that was warm and inviting a minute ago now felt so cold and empty. Not just the house, Arthit himself felt empty, like a part of him was missing, like he lost something awesome.

He didn't think that Kong would leave just like that, he picked up his phone to call the junior, and that's when he noticed the numerous number of missed calls and text messages asking where he was. He had put his phone on silent while in the library to avoid distractions.

He didn't like the expression on Kong's face, the once happy and always smiling Kong was now sad and on the verge of tears.

For the short amount of time they spent together, it felt as though he had known him his whole life, and the thought of Kong leaving and never coming back, of losing him, made him feel like the end was coming.

Arthit ran out of the house trying to get to Kong before he left the complex. From the balcony in front he could see Kong walking across the street. He called out to him and he knows Kong heard him, but he chose to ignore him.

The barrier holding back the tears he didn't know were forming broke, and once that first tear broke free, the rest followed. Unable to keep himself standing, he held on to the rails for support while falling to his knees

He kept calling and pleading with Kong not to leave, but he just walked further and further away into the night.

"No no no" he closed his eye and cried

Then he felt someone tap him on the shoulder, when he opened his eyes to see who it was, Kongpob was in front of him.

When he took in his surroundings, he was no longer outside in the dark, but in the library, his books laid in front of him and the assignment he was working on.

"You shouldn't sleep out here P' its cold and you'll get sick" he said, making him wear the jacket he brought.

"What are you doing here"

"I called P'Knott and he said you were still in here when he left" He didn't question why Arthit was crying, he just smiled lovingly at him while wiping his tears away

Arthit just observed Kong and his actions, hoping that the one standing in front of him was real and not just another dream.

"Ready to go" Kong asked

Arthit nodded and gathered his books which Kong carried, and they walked out of the library and campus with Kong holding his hand. He did not resist or question the junior on why he was holding his hand, he just enjoyed the feeling of Kong hold him until they got back home.

Back at the house, Arthit was in the room changing out of his uniform, he thought about the dream he had earlier in the library and how real if felt to the point where he was crying. He counted it as weird experience that drained him, and now he really was in need of some nom yen. Unfortunately, the lady who usually sells them at the campus was out sick, meaning he hasn't had his daily dose of the pink drink.

He turned around to walk out of the room and Kong was standing by the door with a cup of nom yen in his hand.

He looked at the junior, then his gaze wandered to the cup in his hand, and then back to the junior

"Is that for me" he asked

"That depends"

"On?" he didn't like were this was going

"Why were you crying and why have you been avoiding me all week" he asked, moving closer to the senior

"I have-have not" he answered backing away from the junior

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