-2- The Mage That Would Haunt His Dreams

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It had been a few days since the event in the library, Cullen finding himself attached to the hip with Faith for the majority of the day except when he needed rest. He had been wise to make sure she was at her designated area when their lessons started after the Commander had caught them, avoiding the chance of him being relieved of his duty to watch her.

He currently stood in his quarters, in front of his bathroom mirror. His knuckles were white as he gripped the sides of the old sink, his eyes bloodshot and half lidded as he stared at himself in the mirror. The man that stared back at him looked restless, unearthly and desperate, his hair a mess atop his head and soft stubble roughing his chin. He had refrained from taking his daily lyrium and had paid the price, hellish nightmares probing his mind and waking him from a dead sleep. This had been the third time he had awoken tonight, cold sweat making his skin slick yet sticky and his eyes growing more irritated each time he blinked. He hated waking up like this but hated the feeling of the blue serum even more, his body and mind begging him to drink just a little more so the pain and nightmares would subside.

Lyrium was a requisite for all Templars, a source of power that allowed them to maintain control over the mages. All Templars within the circle were required to take a dose of lyrium at least once a day to ensure they were at their best, some taking more than their share out of free will. Many Templars and mages a-like craved the blue liquid for what power it bestowed upon them, most unaware of what consequences would rise after consuming it for so long. Cullen had heard stories of those who craved it like the Mabari craved war, an unending thirst that could only be quenched with more and more. He hoped that he would never undergo such tyranny, the thought of a small potion having such control over him made him sick.

Opening the cabinet under the sink he grabbed the small wooden box that held his lyrium dose, his eyes growing heavy as slumber threatened to take hold of him, to pull him back into his nightmares. Forcing himself to stay awake he opened the box and pulled out a small glowing vile of the blue liquid, narrowing his eyes he grimaced at the thought of drinking it. Bringing the vile to his lips he quickly drank it, following it up with a few gulps of water to rid himself of the thick taste. Almost immediately he felt better, his strength returning to him as much as it could against the weariness of his tired mind. Dragging himself back to bed he rested his head on the cold stiff pillow before drifting back to sleep for the fourth time, hoping the nightmares wouldn't return.

The next morning had started out as usual, getting breakfast with Faith, spending time with her before she needed to go to her lesson, waiting patiently for it to finish and then escorting her around the tower to occupy his time. He enjoyed their morning chats along with the walks that usually ended in them laughing and hiding away from the patrolling Templars. She was the best thing that could have happened to him but that soon would change, the tables Turning when the first Demon was spotted trying to posses one of the mages.

Cullen and Faith sat in the hallway smiling and laughing like they always did, soft voices meeting their ears as they echoed down the hallways. For a moment Cullen found himself trying to focus on the voices, their rushed mumbles gone misunderstood. It wasn't until one of the doors on the far end of the hall burst open loudly and a Templar came running out, his legs failing him as he tripped over himself in an attempt to run faster. Right away Cullen knew something was wrong, his posture straightening as he stood on alert to greet the frantic Templar that barrelled towards them. "Demons, A-abominations!" He bellowed as he ran past them not daring to stop his frantic pace, his eyes wide with fear as he pushed through another door without another word.

"Abominations?" Cullen breathed quietly watching the door that the Templar had entered swing closed weakly, his eyes narrowed in confusion. How could there be Abominations and Demons in the circle tower... and how many were currently roaming the halls? Grabbing Faith by the arm more roughly then he would have liked, he hauled her to her feet and towards the staircase. If they were on a higher level the Demons and Abominations might be dealt with before they reached them, at least he hoped this was the case. Faith showed little to no resistance as she was hauled from floor to floor, he wondered if she had been so calm when she had been brought to the circle.

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