Shads Bday pt 2

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Rashad POV

Tell me why our asses got put out the mall.Mane that was funny as hell it was weave everywhere.Kelly and Shelly crazy twin asses tazed the 3 girls.Pooh broke someone nose.Mya done stomped somebody in her heels.I don't think I wanna ever piss the girls off.Had them goat piss ass gals crying.

"Easy killer",I say sitting Temya in the passenger seat.

"Dumb bitches broke my nail !"Temya yells

"Aye Gyal calm down"I tell her and peck her lips.She starts to blush.

"Bitches got me fucked up. Bumboclatts.I kill you all."Malika says yelling while Jamir put her in the backseat.An I pull off towards the restaurant we're eating at for my birthday.

"Malika Mahiri Barnes calm down",Jamir tells her and pulls her close to him.

"Get yo sardine smelling rass away from me.Now GWEY!!!"Malika tells Jamir through gritted teeth.

"Pooh chill I ain't even do shid."He says in a irritated tone and scoots over torwards the window.

"Yes you did you can't keep di  buddy in di pants"She says and turns her back towards him.

"Aye what happened to mi brothers.Where is Manny and Travis ?",I  ask scratching my chin hair while driving.

"They with Shelly and Kelly",Temya tells me and holds my hand while I drive and smiles at me.

"I'm sorry for ruining your bday baby."Temya says and rubs my face.

"Babe you straight.It was actually funny.Especially when you kicked that girl in the chest."I tell her laughing.

"Shutup",She says and turns the radio on.

I kiss her while I stop at the light.I look back at Pooh and Jamir ,and they want even blink at each other.

They need to Fuck or something all this frustration.They getting on me  nerves.Fish gut asses

"Aye you mudafuckers better make Di fuck up.The rass wrung wit ya two."I say pulling over at a rest area.

"Me and Mya going for a walk so yall can talk."I tell them and get out the car.

"But I have heels on",Mya whines to me.

"Get on my back My."I tell her.

She hops on and we walk and talk about things.

Pooh POV

Ugh My brother is a ass.

"Malika you gone talk to me.Cause I'm tired of trying and you push me away"Jamir tells me and pulls me towards him.I pull away and scoot towards the door.

"Damn why you gotta be so fucking stubborn.You haven't acted like you for a month.What the Fuck is going on wit you?",He yells at me.I just looked at him evil as hell.

"Its you.You are what's wrong with me.You caused my mental pain.Who fucking cheats on their girlfriend when they have been together for only a week.Then my favorite  uncle goes into a coma.Even though we are not on good terms you could've been their for me but instead you was probably laid with the next hoe....You kno I had to find out tell Shelly that my supposed to be boyfriend of 2 months as of last week was cheating on me.Negro no es una mierda."I yell at the top of my lungs the last part.

"Malika I'm "

"Save it Passion we're over.I can't deal with you anymore.Fuck you."I say with so much venom in my voice as tears flowed out.

I am beyond done.I AM IN LOVE with a inconsiderate selfish fish eyed asshole.No puedo lidiar.Love can drive to smoking in my case.I need some ganji.

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