Getting to know him

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"Stop it"

"Why I like annoying you it's funny"

We were sitting down in front if the biggest tv I've seen eating out take out. but luke kept taking my dumplings "

"But I love my dumplings"

"So that means if you love your dumplings you wouldn't mind if I took this"

He quickly grabbed abit of chicken off my plate and that's when I lost it.

I hurtled myself over him and grabbed the chicken out of his hand

"Wow I know you can't resist me you know I don't blame you "

I looked down and I was on top of him . great Iam never going to hear the end of this

"Look Iam just here for my chicken "

I quickly rolled off of him while trying to eat the chicken I just got back .

"So kid"


"Kid what's your story "

"Shouldn't you know you've probably got your spy's tailing me"

"Um no that's a bit weird "

"Oh well my mum is a chef at a local restaurant and my dad is well the typical useless father who left me and my mum when I was 5. I moved here with the help of my bestfriend since I don't have a lot of money and I work at a dinner. lets just say I didn't do well in school. I was more into sports and stuff. I actually moved out when I was 16 once and I was homeless for a few weeks until my mum found me. "



"Yeah not all of us where born with a silver spoon in their mouths "

"Ouch "

"So what's your glamorous story"

"I am the middle child. I wasent very smart but when I got to college I buckled down to learn . I became a CEO because my dad forced me but now I love being CEO . and I have had my share of lovers. "

"Sounds nice "

"Yeah "

"Well Iam done Iam going to have a shower "

"Can I join"

"No you perv"

"Fine kid"

"Why are you calling me kid "

"Cause I like it plus Iam older then you"

"How old are you "


"That's old your be going to be bold soon" I couldn't stop laughing at him

"What ever" he said rolling his eyes

"Hey cheer up I hope I don't have to be around a boring old person 24 7 "

Luke shot me with devil eyes . for sone reason it made me laugh even more at him.

"Btw Iam 21"

suddenly the door bell wrung.

Luke got up to go and anserw it.

"Bro come in ."

I looked and saw a man that looked a bit older then luke but nethertheless he was still hot. He had brown straight hair and a smile that could cheer up any damsel in distress.

"Brandon this is the annoying girl I was telling you about "

He looked at me up and down and then he focused his gaze on my bare legs . great another perv

"Wow hello Iam Brandon "


I blinked and he was hugging me. Wow he had abs. They must be big cause I could feel it through the jumper he was wearing .I was to shocked to return the hug

"Sorry Iam a hugger "

I looked up to see luke with an amused look on his face . of course he was smirking but hey he always smirk. I'd like to wipe it off his mouth one day.ew that sounds weird kayley.

"So you are "

"Lukes amazing best friend ."

He leaned close so only I could hear him

"You know if whatever your doing dosent work out with luke Iam always free "

I pulled away laughing .

"So luke is every rich guy a pervert "

"What" asked Brandon confused

"Don't worry about it Brandon she thins every guy that looks at her is a pervert "

"Hey I don't "

"Do to "

"I really can't be asked to argue with you right now "

"Okay kid"

I went back down to sit on the couch when I noticed an Xbox under the tv

"Omg you have a Xbox with a kinect "

"Um Yeah"

"Ouuuu what games do you have "

"Um "

Both the guys were stairing at each other

"What you never seen a girl love video games "


They both said in unison

"Well today's your lucky day boys. Iam gunna kick your asses ."

"Yeah right"

They both started laughing

3 hours later and 4 games in I had won every single game we played. we played FIFA then some car game. then call of duty and to finish it of dead or alive which was my fav game out of all of them.

"So guys how does it feel to get your ass handed to you by a girl"

"We so let you win" they said in perfect unison

"Whatever makes you sleep at night luke. do you have beer in the fringe. or wait is that to lower class for you guys"

"I have some champaign"

"Ugh girls . I guess that will do"

I got up and as I was walking I hear Brandon say "oh my god I love her . she's like a hot chick that I bet would be so good in bed but also a complete dude you hit the jack pot luke"

I chuckled as I walked away. my mum said I was always meant to be a guy.

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