You've Got That One Thing (One Direction Romance)

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Chapter 1

     Have you ever been forced to go somewhere with your friends? Someplace you would never want to go? Yeah, well that's what I'm going through right now. My crazed directioner friends are forcing me to go to a One Direction Concert. I've told them a thousand times that I didn't want to go. I wasn't a huge fan of One Direction. They just seemed like a bunch of stuck up snobs to me. 

     Oh, by the way, I'm Samantha Anderson. But around town I'm known as Sam. I'm not very popular, just a normal 17 year old girl. I'm a dancer and play a little guitar. I do okay in school, I'm not a brainiac. I wouldn't say I'm gorgeous or even pretty. I'm not a petite little girl all the guys want. I have long blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. I live in an apartment with my 4 best friends. 

     There's Nikki. She's a brunette with brown eyes. She is very athletic and well known in town, unlike me. But we've been best friends since the first grade. 

     Then we have Sara. Also a dancer, with beachy blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She's very small and skinny. Sara's my cousin and I don't think we've ever gone one day without talking. 

     Then there's Brianna, or Bri for short. She's more of the geeky one. But she's talented. she has an amazing singing voice. Bri's very tall and has jet- black hair. 

     And last we have Alexis, but we call her Ali. I've always been jealous of Ali. She's a model with the most perfect body. With her brown hair and blue eyes, she's about 5'6. But me and Ali haven't been that close lately, after she stole my crush we've been ignoring each other. 


     "Sam!" Sara called from downstairs, "Get your ass down here! It's time to leave!" I wasn't particularly excited about seeing One Direction, so I took my time getting ready. 

     "Coming!" I yelled as I shut the light off in my room and shut the door. I walked down the stairs and looked to see what the girls were wearing. Nikki of course had her susspenders on over her white and blue striped shirt with red skinny jeans on. She had told me earlier she was trying to look like Louis, I think that was him name at least, but whatever. I glanced over and saw Sara, her hair in loose curls with a sky blue sundress on. I looked down to see she was wearing her blue TOMS, I questioned the shoes with that dress but I just let it go. Apparently she was showing off for Harry or something like that. Ali was looking beautiful as always, her hair pin straight with her bangs pulled out of her face. She was wearing an aztec jumper from Hollister with some gladiator sandels. She wouldn't shut up about seeing some guy named Liam, I guess he was one of the singers. I turned around and saw Bri standing there. She looked amazing. She removed her geek glasses and wore contacts, she had black leggings on and some sort of varsity jacket on, I have no idea what the jacket was for, who cares. Ali mentioned that she was trying to look like Zayn. 

     I, on the other hand, was dressed in white skinny jeans and tank top I bought from Pac Sun. Nothing too special. My hair was up in a poinytail, like always. I didn't dress up because i wasn't excited about seeing the boys. I was just planning on sitting and trying to sleep with my iPod in. "You guys went all out, didn't you?" I laughed. They all glared at me in silence. 

     "We're going now." Ali said with a little stuck up attitude. Of course, she was the only one who could drive so she felt like the boss. She really pisses me off sometimes. 

     "Oh My God! Guys I'm so excited!" Bri screeched as she ran out the door. The others agreed with her and all ran out the door, leaving me to lock the house up. I turned off the hall light and locked the front door, taking my time of course. I sighed as I walked to the car, there's no way out now. 

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