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Chapter 21

~~Sam's POV~~

-;- -;- -;- -;- 2 weeks later -;- -;- -;- -;-

     I woke up in the middle of the night. I was wrapped up in Harry's arms, his warm breath on my neck. Everything was going well ever since Bri passed. Zayn's been acting different though, he's just not himself. He rarely talks to anyone but me. He still cries whenever someone mentions her name, and he hasn't been tweeting ever since he went off on that girl. People have been hating on him, I can see where they're coming from but I also see where Zayn's coming from. Not a day goes by when I don't think about Bri. It still sends me chills knowing that I or Sara were next. I'm scared shit less. 

     We've been in Florida, Miami to be exact, for about 4 days now. It's amazing here, we have a condo right on the beach. It still doesn't compare to Hawaii...nothing compares to Hawaii. Everything made since back then, everybody was alive back then. I needed somebody to talk to, I've bottled up all my feelings for so long. Who should I talk to?

Harry? No, he wasn't close enough to Bri.

Louis? No, he can't take things seriously.

Liam? No, he'll take things too seriously.

Niall? No, all he cares about is food.

Sara? I guess, but I feel like she still doesn't fully understand where I'm coming from.

Kait and Madison? No, they didn't know Bri long enough. 

Zayn? Yes, I'll talk to Zayn.

     I slipped out of Harry's arms quietly, trying not to wake him. I ended up falling on the floor with a thud. I peeked up at the bed, Harry was still sound asleep. Jeez, that boy can sleep through an earthquake. I tip toed out of the room and made my way into the kitchen. The light was already on and the fridge was open. 

"Hello?" I called out in a whisper. I head peered out from behind the fridge, it was Zayn. "Just who I wanted to talk to!" I smiled.

"Why are you up so early?" he asked biting into an apple. 

"Can't sleep." I shrugged. "You?"

"Same. I feel alone in my bed. It feels...empty." he sighed. I nodded my head and gave him a hug. 

"I know it's tough, but you've been taking it pretty well. Have you been up like this every night?" I asked. 

"Not every night, but most of the time, yes." 

"How long do you stay up for?" I questioned sitting next to him on the couch. 

"Depends. Most of the time I just go back to my room and sit there until the sun comes up." 

"You know, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. If you ever wake up at night, text me or come get me." I smiled. 

"Nah, I don't want to wake you." he said munching on his apple. 

"No, it's fine. I need to vent too. I hate keeping my feelings in, you know?" I said running my fingers through my hair. 

"Thanks Sam. Next time I'll get you." He smiled. "Sam?" he asked. 

"Yeah Zayn?" 

"Can you sleep with me tonight? I'm just so tired, and I can't sleep alone. But I understand if you don't wan-" I cut him off.

"I'd love to Zayn. Anything to make you feel better." I said standing up and holding out my hand. He grabbed it and we walked to his room. He paced over to his bed and took his shirt off, only to be left in a pair of sweatpants. I crawled into the bed and patted the spot next to him. I smiled and got next to him. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close. He smelled like vanilla and mint mixed together, it was quite heavenly. I started to drift off.

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