I should've kissed you

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Chapter 11

5 weeks later_____________________

~~Sam's POV~~

"Flight 741, Hawaii, now landing. Please buckle your seatbelts. Thank you" the flight attendent said over the loud speaker.

     Yes, it's been 5 weeks since Niall told me he loves me. And to be honest, I don't love him back. I feel so bad about it. We haven't really talked, we more likely ignore each other. When he told me that he loved me, I didn't know what to do. I kissed him and smiled, then grabbed his hand and we walked back into the boys room. He was heartbroken, but weren't even dating. On the other hand, I feel like I'm developing feelings for Harry.... this isn't good. Me and Harry have been spending a lot of time together, I'm closer to him than any of the other guys. I think he likes me too. He also never asked Sara out, so technically we were both single. 

     We sat together on the plane to Hawaii, cracking jokes about the flight attendent's butt, daring each other to speak on the loud speaker, and starting food fights. Harry was like my best friend, and we rarely left each other's side. On the plane, we decided we'd share a room, due to the fact that he and Sara, and me and Niall weren't getting along so well. We decided we were cuddle buddies, and on Wednesday we wear nothing. No just kidding. 

"Ready? Watch this!" Harry whispered to me. He threw a penut into Zayn's hair. I bit my lip trying to hold my laughter it. 

"He's going to be so pissed!" I whisper yelled. Harry nodded and started laughing. Then I got a text.

From: Nialler

Are you and Harry, like a couple. I mean like do you guys go out? 

I showed Harry the message and he laughed. 

"Someone's a little jealous" he winked and I giggled.

To: Nialler

No, we don't. Why do you care anyway? 

From: Nialler

I don't. I was just wondering...

I didn't respond. 

"Oh God, I hate landing" I squeezed Harry's hand, causing him to jump a little. Then he looked at my scars and kissed them. Holding my hand and interlacing the fingers he said.

"I'm always here for you. I won't let anything happen to you." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you, Harry. That means a lot" I gave him a reasurring smile and then kid my face in his chest and we landed. 

"Okay, we're down" he said, "See, nothing bad happened." I smiled at him and unbuckled my seatbelt. Harry took my hand and intwined out fingers and we walked off the plane. 

     We walked out into the beautiful Hawaiin breeze. Someone came up to us and gave each of us a lei, welcoming us to Hawaii. We started walking over to the limo to go back to the beach house we were staying at. Harry let go of my hand while we were walking, but then put his arm around my waist. It sent chills down my spine. Now I knew I liked him. 

     We all crawled into the limo, Harry on my left, Bri on my right. And across from me was Niall, oh the joy. Harry put his arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on his. It wasn't even 5 minutes later when we pulled up to an amazing beach house. It had 3 floors, each floor with a deck to look out to the ocean. The house was white and surrounded by palm trees. It had a huge pool, and hot tub, with a small path leading down to the beach. It was absolutely gorgeous. 

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