Wanted Dead or Alive

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Chapter 26

~~Sam's POV~~

-;- -;- -;- -;- -;- 10 minutes ago -;- -;- -;- -;- -;-
"Please settle down, or I'll have to kick you off this plane." the flight attendant said to us. 

"Mam, you can't kick us off, we're in the air." Sara giggled. 

"Well sure we can. We just have to stop at the next airport miss." she plastered a fake smile on her face. 

"Stupid boobs." Madison mimicked from Drake&Josh. I started laughing at what she said and the woman scowled at me. I gave her a nasty glare and gave her the finger. She was taken back by my gesture and then she stormed out of the cabin. 

"Samantha Ann!" Harry yelled, pushing my finger down. I looked up to see the flight attendant glaring at me. Then she smiled evilly and walked to the loud speaker. 

"We will be landing in Newquay in 45 minutes. Sorry for the inconvienence." she said politely. I gave her a death glare and she smiled. 

      Well here we are now. In Newquay, England. About 6 hours away from London. We were kicked off the plane because we were inappropriate and obnoxious. But honestly people just need to cheer the fuck up. We're banned from taking another flight for 7 days, so now we have to drive to London. Great six hours in a car with this bunch.

"Great going Sam, you just had to flip off the woman!" Liam said in an annoyed tone. 

"Yeah Sam, now we have to drive there!" Kait complained, siding with Liam.

"Well how was I supposed to know that she would be offended?" I sighed. 

"I would be pretty offended if someone flipped me off when I was trying to do my job..." Zayn said.

"Well she gave me a nasty look so I gave her what she deserved." I shrugged. 

"I don't care, just as long as we get food soon!" Niall chimed in. I laughed.

"I agree!" Sara joined. "Where are we eating?" 

"NANDOS!!!" Niall shouted at the top of his lungs. I jumped and covered my ears. 

"Jeez Niall, what's so good about Nandos?" I questioned. Then all the boys stared at me and the car came to a stop, jolting me forward. 

"We need to get this chick to Nandos." Louis called from the drivers seat. The guys nodded, not taking their eyes off of me. I hid my face in Harry's chest and soon his arms were wrapped around me. 

     6 hours, 1 trip to Nandos, 4 rest stops and a gas station later we were finally in London. The entire trip everybody was complaining and whining. Me on the other hand, I put my iPod in my ears and listened to music the entire way. Ignoring the constant bickering of my friends. Harry fell asleep on my shoulder half way through the ride, so I rested my head on his head and fell asleep in his curls. They were quite comfy. 

"Are we there yet?" Sara complained. 

"NO." everybody shouted in unison. 

"That's the tenth time you've asked that in 15 minutes." Niall sighed. 

"Well I'm bored, and I can't feel my legs anymore." she whined. 

"5 minutes and we'll be there." Liam said. We all cheered and soon became restless. Everyone was giddy and jumpy. 

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