Off With Your Clothes

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Chapter 28

~~Sam's POV~~

    We filed in the car and were taken to some studio in New York City. Once we pulled up, fans started screaming, lights started flashing, people were calling the boys names, as well as the girls. Harry helped me out of the car because of my leg.

"Harry, I can do it. Chill." I moaned as he pulled me out of the car.

"Shut up." he said playfully. He smiled and waved at some fans and cameras. He put his arm around my waist to secure me as I limped down the sidewalk. I banged my thigh against the door and I screamed out in pain.

"Okay, that one hurt!" I groaned. Harry laughed and kissed my cheek.

     We were led into a large auditorium. Every seat was occupied and cameras were lined against the walls. We walked onto the stage, which took longer than expected because of me being crippled. Harry pulled my seat out and I sat down. He pushed me in, then sat right next to me. Sara was on the other side of me, Niall sitting next to her. Sara and I were dead center, all eyes on us. 

"We will now begin to answer questions." Paul announced into the microphone. All of a sudden we were bombarded with questions. Paul decided to guide us through it by calling on people. "Yes NBC News." 

"We understand that you were attacked by Alexis Bush and Nicolette Carpenter twice in the past month? Is that true?" the reporter asked.

"Yes, that's true." I nodded. 

"Care to explain what happened both times?" she questioned. 

"Well the first time we were kidnapped and kept in a rundown shack in the everglades for 5 days. We were kept in very poor conditions. We weren't fed or given water. I snuck my phone with me after being taken, but we had no service. On my birthday, my text finally sent and we were found a few hours later. Today we went to the bathroom and were locked in by someone on the outside. Then we were attacked by the girls." I finished. The reporter nodded and Paul soon called on another news crew.

"We've been told that the girls are now dead. How did that happen?" another man asked. This time Sara wanted to answer. 

"After about 5 minutes in the bathroom, Louis came to look for us. They told me if I screamed, they would blow my head off. But I screamed for help anyway. I was pinned up against the wall by Nikki, she was holding a gun to my head. I heard a loud crack, Nikki shot Sam in the leg. But Sam stood her ground and shot back. This time hitting Nikki and she fell to the ground. Sam shot her right in the head, killing her instantly. She saved my life. I looked at the body, then back up at Sam. She had dropped the gun, and was in shock. Ali stood behind her with broken glass and stabbed it right into Sam's abdomen. Sam moved away and I took Nikki's gun and shot Ali in the neck. Killing her too." Sara said. 

"Why aren't you in the hospital?" the man asked me. 

"The bullet barely entered my leg, so I was able to stand my ground during the fight. I also only have one kidney, so when I was stabbed, the glass was lodged in fatty tissue no vital organs." I replied. Paul called on someone else.

"Do you feel regret towards killing those two girls?" an elderly woman asked. 

"I'm still in shock right now about the entire thing, so it hasn't really hit me yet I guess. But I feel that I will regret it at some point. They were my best friends, my roommates and I shot one. Even though it was self defense, and although she tried to kill me, I still consider her my friend. She was just a little messed up in the head. No one deserves to die." I stated. 

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