Chapter One: Fresh Start

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Elize Amiels POV

"Yes nana, i got everything checked okay?" I assure Nana , my brother's girlfriend on the other line that i didn't forget something before i leave new york

"Okay Ellie, just give me or your brother a call when you arrive to New Zealand kay? I'll be hanging now. Bye Ellie. Elliot, Shawn, and I loves you" Nana said before hanging up

I looked up to the skies and then to the plane i'll be riding in a few minutes

I let out a deep breath and patted my tummy

Before i took a step forward, i told myself under my breath "I will, I can. Just watch me" and i began pacing forwards never looking back again til i was on my plane seat

I knew that everything onwards, I need to face head first bravely. I CAN DO THIS. I CAN PROVE THAT I DON'T NEED HIM IN MY LIFE. IN OUR LIFE.

As a voice  on the plane instructed us and the flight attendants began dancing the instructions out. I breathe in and out and focus my concentration at the view outside my window.

I will never ever cry again because of him.

Wondering what happened?

Well let me give you a head start

I am Elize Amiels, Ellie for short.19 year's old. I have a brother name Elliot Amiels and i really love him because he's my twin brother and yes, he's older than me by 5 minutes. The girl i was talking with the phone earlier was Brianna Stan but she prefer "Nana" when it comes to her close friends. His elder brother by a year Shawn Stan is my bestfriend. Weird isnt it? But nah. Being weird is my field.

You ever wondered why i didn't mention my parents? Well its another story to tell. Me and my brother are rebels, and we live together with Nana and Shawn because well, they're rich, and they cook delicious foods!

I am heading to New Zealand to start a life, not that i don't have life here in New York but well, studies and.....

I look at my tummy

I'm pregnant.

To avoid any misunderstanings, and i don't want the "idiot" to know that i was pregnant becaause of his d--- oh sorry i shouldn't use that word. Because you know stuffs like that. And i think im calling him idiot because of his choice and that was to follow his dreams and leave me. Not that i'm not the understanding type. I TOTALLY AM. But i didn't know why he keeps on saying "i'll only be a distraction and blah blah blah excuses of his". Well i should've known. That our 6 years together in highschool is nothing for him.

But i don't care now. IVE DONE ENOUGH CRYING OVER THE PAST FIVE MONTHS SINCE WE GRADUATED, and weeks after our graduation he broke up with me and the week after that i was suddenly informed by fate that i have a token to take with me after our break up

And that my friend is not a thing. NO, IT ISNT, ITS A HUMAN.

SO HERE I AM, 3 months pregnant with the Genius child.

My friends , i mean my only girl friends Cielle and Via was shocked by the news of our break up because who wouldn't? We were branded as "Couple Goals" our entire highschool life and Bam! We just broke up. But they were more shocked when the news after our break up comes another news saying that I'm pregnant.

My life is a mess, thats why i wanted to start fresh in New Zealand. In there, I will protect my baby. And i swear with my life i would not let that Academic and Dream sucker know that he has a child. I don't want my baby to get hurt.

I don't want my baby to feel rejection , and the worse is , my baby will be rejected even if he/she was not born by his idiot and genius father.

Please dont be confused. My ex is a smart ass. He's the top one im the second placer. He's a good , no. A SUPERB tennis player, and i was a superb volleyball player. Not to mention hes frickn Hot, but duh. Im gorgeous too.

Now you know why we were a couple goal thing before

I only snapped back when a lady, oh. A flight attendant caught my attention

She offered me champagne

" just as much i would like to have it, but.." I looked at my tummy and patted it gently " my baby would probably end up drinking it too and i don't want my baby to have a high alcohol tolerance when he or she would be born" i laughed at the last sentence

The lady was shocked momentarily but then composed herself and chuckled

" i would love to meet him or her after he or she got out of her/his mum's belly" she said with difficulty

"Challenging pronouns arent you? Well, i'd love to remember your face and know your name for us to meet you on the near future" i smiled at her

"My name is Saddie Yazzy Jenkins, long name i know" she rolls her eyes up and laughed "but call me Saya for short, please do call me if you're feeling uncomfortable or what okay?" She said and I nodded

"Saya" i tried to say her name once again for me to remember it

I glanced at my left side to catch an old couple staring at me with such disbelief in their eyes

What now? They must have heard my conversation with Saya a while ago

They glanced at my tummy and the old lady leaned on her husband to tell something i know like " she' s still too young to have kids" or "kids nowadays"

But i didn't budge

Whatever.they dont know my life and i wont bother explaining it to them

I adjusted a little so that i'll feel comfortable in my seat. Might as well sleep because i'm really getting tired

The last thing i did was yawn and i dozed off

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