Chapter Four: Going back

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I called Saya and asked her to come over. After our encounter five years ago at the plane. Saya and I became best friends, and I'm so glad Saya came into my life. Because without her help i wouldn't be able to survive my college days. Saya is as old as Shawn.

Guess what? I'm shipping for them to be together , but Shawn seemed too shy to make a move. Ugh!

So Saya is like an older sister to me.

"Kaleb, Kayla?" I asked as i went into their room only to find two little heads resting ln the study table

Awww. They fell asleep studying.

I gently pulled Kayla first on their half embrace and carried her towards her bed, then i did the same to Kaleb

I felt a pang on my chest.

I'll be seperated to them for the first time.

I heard the doorbell rang

I gently closed their room door and went for the entrance door.

I opened it and saw a smiling Saya

"Hey" i told her

"Heyah" she told me and we hugged

"What's wrong? You seemed like you're about to cry" she asked me

I looked down and struggled not to let my tears escape from my eyes

"You see" i almost choke as i speak

"I-it's my first time to be seperated with them" i finally told her

"Then let them go with you" Saya said as she sat down on the couch

"B-but" before i reason out she cut me off

"Ellie, there's nothing to be worried about. You raised them alone. I know. You're angry with him. I know. But Ellie, think of the little ones. They're growing up. Do you want them to grow up and never meet their dad?" Saya asked me but she continued " I'm sorry Ellie but i think that is just selfish, i know he has no right to know this and i know you're afraid that he will hurt them, but Ellie. You raised them properly. They grow as adorable little ones. Everyone loves them. Even strangers  loved them when we stroll at the park. They will receive nothing else but love Ellie"

I went silent for a moment and a memory from few days ago flashed in my mind


"Mum, why Kayla and I didn't see dad?" Kaleb asked me and my eyes widened in shock because this is the very first time that he asked me that question

I looked at my five year old son and see he's longing for a dad. I felt my heart ache with that eyes full of anticipation

"Honey, your daddy is dead when i became pregnant with you"  i told him gritting through my teeth

"Okay mum. It's just sad looking at the other kids in my school have a dad, and Kayla and I don't have" he paused for a moment and looked at me with a cute smile in his face "but that's okay mum. We have you" he said and went straight to his room

I snapped back to reality when Saya called me

"Ellie?" She asked worried, scanning my face

I let out a deep sigh. I cant do this. I want the kids to come with me

"Saya? Can you come with me to new york together with the kids?" I asked her hoping she would say yes

She smiled widely and stood up

"Ofcourse silly! I will accompany you, and if ever we meet that jerk. We will kick his ass off!" And with that we both laughed

"I really do love you Saya, even if it's not too obvious" i hugged her

Then she face me again and smirked
"So? When are we leaving?" She asked

"Tonight." I told her and we raced down towards my room and the kids room to prepare a rush comeback tk new york

Nana Stan's Pov

Ellie is calling! I pressed the answer button

"Hi ellie! You ready?" I asked her

"Uhm Nana? There's a sudden change of plans" she said and i replied with an "oh"

"The thing is, i decided to leave New Zealand together with Saya and the twins" after i heard that i smiled widely and glanced at Shawn

I put the phone on loudspeak

" what did you say again Ellie?" I asked her pretending I didn't heard her the first time

"I said Saya and the twins are coming with me" and after Ellie said that, as if on cue the idiot who's baking blueberry cheesecake a while ago is now beside me

I chuckled at that

And as if hinting on what's happening Ellie also chuckled on the other line

"I bet lover boy is listening" and with that we chuckled and Shawn pouted

"Hey , Saya. Someone wants to meet with you tonight" i heard Ellie on the other line

I saw Shawn's face began to be red even his ears

"Oh Ellie. I wished yoh video called! You'd love to see Shawn become a tomato!" And we both laughed again

After about almost 2 minutes of laughing our asses off

I heard Kayla's voice

"Aunt nana! Aunt Nana! Mum said i'm gonna go to Yew York!" Kayla squealed excitedly

"Kayla, how many times did i tell you that its New with an "N" and not "Y" that's Kaleb

Oh that little genius is at it again

Shawn and I laughed

"Hello my favorite buns! Yes, Yes, you are all going to New York and I cant wait to hug you both!" I told them and i heard clapping

Awww. I really do wish now that Ellie video called instead.

"Dear Elliot is now preparing your hotel accomodations, and Kayla, Unca Shawn is baking blueberry cheesecake" i heard a "Yeaaaaaaay" with a thump and another thump. I bet Kayla's jumping on the couch

I can't help but laugh.

If I were Ellie too, i would do anything just to mke sure that the twins are not hurt.

"Okay that's enough my little munchkins, time to go to your room and get dressed up. We'll be leaving early and go to the airport early" i heard Ellie told the twins and i bet they're nodding obediently and hold hands again while going to their rooms

"Uhm nana? I think i have to go. See you!" And then she hung up

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