Chapter Twenty Three : Three Strikes And You're Out!

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Ellie's Pov

I couldn't believe that Kayden used the kids to pull me out of the situation! He even used Kayla's tantrum show! Goodness..

I sighed as i just couldn't believe what happened earlier, but i must admit.. That plan was a one shot kill. I think simon will no longer bother me.

If you're ever wondering who Simon is, well he is that kind of person in highschool that is overly competitive, the one who does not know how to accept the fact that you're not always the best and someone is better than you, and that someone in his life is Kayden, long story short, He treats Kayden as his "nemesis" because of that, and yeah, i don't know if it's because of his competitiveness towards Kayden that he also developed an attraction to me. But one thing is for sure, im surely not comfoetable if that guy is around. He creeps me out!

"moooommmyyyy! Where are you going?" Kayla just finished her bath and started running towards my direction, completely snapping me out of daze

I hugged and kissed her, she giggled then i patted her hair dry with the towel.

"welll, as much as i want to stay here with you and kaleb, but mommy needs to attend a business meeting again" i sighed

Simon really is persisent, but now Mr. Guisseppe is also coming, so i just couldn't possibly reject the offer.

"is that creepy uncle coming too?" she raised her eyebrows as if inspecting me

I laughed at her expression

"yeah, mum doesnt have a choice, but, Mr. Guisseppe is coming too! Do you still remember him?" i asked her

She beamed into her most beautiful and brightest smile

"ofcourse! He is the best Grandpa chef in the wooooorlllld!!!" she exclaimed while throwing her hands in the air as widely as possible

"yeaaah munchkin, he is!" i hugged her again

Suddenly Kayden said

"Kayla, let's go get dressed, it's bad if you stay wet any longer.. Also we'll come with mummy today, Daddy's having a part with the meeting too" he coolly but lovingly said

Waiiit.. Did he just...
"did you just said that you're coming too?" i raised an eyebrow while questioning him

He chuckled

"yeah, did you forgot that Mr. Guisseppe is actually my mother's cousin?" he continued

Then it dawned to me, how could i ever forget that important detail

He chuckled again but this time louder
"well Ms. Amiels, Mr. Guisseppe is my uncle and his business is within the scope of my Pierre Corps business" he smiled

I was stunned

That smile.. That handsome smile and that cute but seductive little dimple

"ehem.. Miss Amiels, care to rate the view?" he said in a teasing tone

I stood up and stomped my way inaide the house

Tsk. That handsome devil is teasing me again!

Third person's pov

A beautiful family of four entered a golf clubhouse

A handsome little boy and a beautiful little girl walked side by side, while the pair of adults whose face are similar with the little duo went to the table where a group of adults are happily chatting

The cold and aloof Kayden greeted the elders respectfully and in an elegant manner, while the bubbly and bright Ellie greeted them with her sweet and beautiful smile

When all the people inside saw this, they all thought fhat these pair is truly a match made from heaven, well except for one, and that is Simon Craig. He was smiling on the outside but seeting with anger on the inside

"whhyyyy.. What does this Kayden have that i dont?! I have successfully built an empire just like his and is on par with his.. But why does it feel like im still loosing..." he thought to himself

And then he saw the beautiful woman standing beside him.. Ellie..

" yes.... That's right, she is indeed the vast difference. He have her, while i don't.. "

Then a sudden" mommmmmy!! " rang and all the people looked at where the voice came from

Then in everyone's sight came a little beautiful and bubbly girl just like Ellie

She run and hugged Ellie's legs and chuckled

" mommy moommmy i saw Grandpa G! "she excitedly exclaimed and ran again towards the direction where a man with a vintage aura is walking towards the direction where people are gathered, but before he completely entered, a small pair of hands hugged his legs, when he looked down it was a pair of blue and brown eyes looking at him earnestly

He smiled

"hello my dearest! You two sure have grown a lot since i last saw you! Can i get a hug??" Mr. Guisseppe bended and offered the twins a tight hug

"grandpaaa G! I misss youuu, can you bake me blueberry cheesecakes again? Yours are still the best of the best!" but after saying that, she then whispered in the old man's ear

"but dont tell mommy okay?? I told her that her cheesecakes were the best too!" she then husshed

The old man chuckled at that, then he looked at the handsome boy and couldnt help but think

This child is really Lucia's grandson and Kayden's son.. The facts are undeniable..

" my little genius Kaleb, how have you been? Didnt you missed Grandpa?" he asked

"missed." then he smiled and hugged again the old man, the old man can't help but see Kayden's shadow when he was little

The same reaction, same smile, the only distinction is the eyes.

"okay, let's play later, and i have brought presents for the both of you, but for now.. Behave okay? But Grandpa G will ask for some favor, can you help Grandpa?" the old man dotingly asked to the twins

They both nodded

"this person needs to stay away from your mom, so Grandpa will need the helo of the both of you.. Do you think we can kick him out of your mom's life??" he asked again

This time the twins nodded seriously, and i think they knew all along who their Grandpa is reffering to.

Kayla then seriously said" dont worry grandpa. I promise, it will be just three strikes, and He's out! "she proudly said with her chin held high and her little fist on the air as if she's doing a victory pose

The three of them chuckled and proceeded to where the others are waiting

The old man composed his self again and there's just one thing on his mind right now :Three strikes and you're out! SIMON CRAIG.

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