Chapter Thirteen: The twins,checked. Next the mother

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Kayden's Pov

We are here at Ellaine's , and after that declaration out of nowhere by Kaleb. Ellie and I didnt dare to talk with them. Instead, we made Ginny accompany them on choosing their outfits. As for Ellie, she said she will pay for her own.

We just sat in awkward silence at an awkward distance.

"Kayden??" A female voice called out to me. I looked up from where the direction of the voice and I saw Ellaine Laurer, the owner of the shop

"Oh, hi Ella" i nod at her

"Oh. The same cold person as ever i see" she chuckled then she noticed ellie, she eyed at me and seemed interested. Ofcourse. Who wouldnt . I never got near to women.

"And who is this beautiful maiden?" She asked

"She's Ellie" i told her

She smiled at me teasingly

"Oh dear Ellie? As in Ellie your first love Ellie??. I'm so glad Kayden finally found you and made it up to you. My sister always nag him to find his girlfriend,but I now see why my sister likes you very much for him" Ella said

Ella is my aunt. I should call her aunt but she doesnt want me to. Because she feel old if i call her that.

"Hi Miss Ella, i think you misunderstood. Kayden and I are just...acquaintances" Ellie eyed at me

Ella just replied an "oh" but still smiling at me

"MUM! LOOK AT THIS DRESS!!" Kayla shouted and ran from the wardrobe section to us in the waiting area

I saw her with a mini red dress.

She's really adorable

Ella looked at her and gasped. Then looked at Ellie and Me

"Oh my!! Look at this little beauty we got here" she then kneeled down so that Kayla and her would be on level

"Sweetie, what's your name?" Ella asked

Kayla grinned and said "I am Kayla, and someday I'll be a model! Oh, but wait. I'll be a cook first! Just like mummy!" She said still grinning

I cant help but chuckle. Kayla grinning make her look witty.

"Oh my sweet Kayla, your dream profession are so contrasting. I wish you goodlck balancing your diet as a model as you cook dishes" and Ella chuckled

Then anoter little voice came

"Kayla i told you many times not to run" then the wardrobe curtain lifted up and Kaleb wore dark blue tuxedo.

Ella gasped, looked at me and looked at Kaleb

Yeah. I know the feeling.

Then she recovered

"Hi handsome young man, what's your name?" She asked

"I'm Kaleb" he said then smiled showing his dimples

Then Ella's eyes widened

Yeah yeah. I know. The truth is undeniable.

Ella knew the moment he saw Kaleb that he is my son.

Ella was the one taking are of me when I was young until highschool cause she needed to work abroad, since mom is always sick. That's why she knew

"Kayden. Can we talk for a moment?" She asked me and she has a serious look on her face

I looked at Ellie. Asking her permission if I could tell her

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