Chapter Nineteen: I have something to share

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Kayden's POV

as i got out of Ellie's room i see a pair of blue and brown innocent eyes staring at me, intently. The kind of staring you do when you're being investigated thoroughly

"what's the matter?" i asked them both

Kayla was the first one to speak up, as expected of her

"dad. what took you so long there" she asked narrowing her eyes at me

i fighted the urge to chuckle at her sudden "strict" behavior

"i was checking if your mum's okay" i told her and she narrowed her eyes even more and crossed her arms at her chest

it's really impossible not to laugh at her right now so i smiled at her but suddenly Kaleb butted in

"yeah daddy, i see you enjoyed checking mum" he said with his poker face

now i know what my underlings feel as i can see the exact replica of me in action if im unhappy about my employees performance

i raised my hands in defeat

"okay okay, i get it.I really just checked your mum and then, things went a little bit of out of hand, so uhm, " i was struggling to tell them that i kissed their mom

before i could answer kayla gasped

"you did that daddy?!" she said with disappointment and happiness i dont know why and what the heck is going on right now

"nah,kayla, not "that thing", the time span is too short for them to do "that" kaleb contradicted

and with that it finally hit me.

did my kids just thought that me and their mum....was making out?

wow! where did they get that idea!

and as if to answer my unspoken question , kayla stepped a little closer to kaleb and whispered but i can still hear her

"what?!no? no new baby soon?but grammy Ella told us right?who should we believe?let's better ask daddy" she whispered and Kaleb just raised his eyebrows lazily to indicate that he's agreeing to her plan

oh. i will have a very very nice talk with Grammy Ella soon

i waited for kayla to ask but she just fidgeted

"honey, what's wrong?" i told her and she just stared at me

seconds past, almost a minute she stared at the ground then finally sighed and the moment she asked "did you and mum made another baby?" to me is also the same moment where ellie opened the door, and i bet she heard that question

Ellie's POV

"we absolutely did not!" I almost choked as i shouted those words.

Gosh, could this day be any worse?

i glared at kayden "what are you telling about our children?!" i huffed irritated

"what? i was the victim here. they investigated me like i am the most wanted criminal in the world after i stepped out of your room. They kept staring at me as if i've made something wrong with you inside" he said and the moment he said that i can feel the flush in my face

and i can see his lips turning upwards into a sslow smirk

"well maybe i did something, but it's not wrong at all" he teased and left

god! now what do i have to tell to my children?

"you know what honey? sometimes, your dad's crazy, so let's just ignore him. Come, you two will be helping mommy  to bake cookies okay?" i told them and Kayla excitedly jumped while Kaleb was eager because i know he would just read and memorize again my recipes, and proudly recite to me all of it after we baked which we traditionally do while eating our cookies together

Third Person's POV

The mother trio was busy in the kitchen that they did not notice a handsome man watching them with clear contentment and happiness

"Mum. I really cant understand 1/4 and 1/2 and 2 tbsp. What is that" Kayla confusingly asked

"Kayla, i told you many times it's a form of measurement for the ingredients" her twin Kaleb replied to her which made her frown

Ellie just smiled at them and she said " honey, just help mum with these okay? Later when you grow up. You will understand" and with that they started to put chocolate sprinkles in the cookies

Suddenly the man who are watching them stepped forward

" i am not informed that there's a family quality time" Kayden said which cause the trio to be surprised by his sudden appearance

"YEAY! DADDY WILL JOIN US!DADDY WILL JOIN US!" Kayla immediately ran off to her dad

" yes honey. Dad is not busy,so how do we do this?" He asked directly at Ellie who is now somewhat flustered

"I-" she was speechless

Speechless because the memory came flooding like raging waves

*5 years ago*

"Kayden, if you keep on doing that i might not measure exactly the ingredients" Ellie said between giggles as she busy herself baking cookies while the man behind her sniffing her hair while his face was burried in the crook of her neck

"Mmm. You always smell nice my Ellie" he said still sniffing the girls hair

"You know what" Ellie stopped what she was doing

" what?" Kayden stopped sniffing her hair

"You deserve this" and with that she put some flour on the face of the young man and run away giggling

"You did not" said Kayden while smirking

Ellie was headed to the door when Kayden reached the exit and blocked her causing her to slip a little

Due to Kayden's fast reflexes in tennis he was about to catch Ellie but in that moment a fire was lit in his eyes

"I want to share something with you my ellie" he said in a low voice, almost a whisper

"What is that?" Ellie said smiling

"My lips" and with that he claimed her lips and in a span of seconds his kisses became more and more passionate when the girl said that she love him he went wild

"Then are you willing to marry me" the young man asked

" what?!" Ellie suddenly pushed him away

Kayden's countenance darkened

"You do not wan to marry me?" He asked with a cold tone

"No..i mean yes yes! Definitely. But arent we too young? We'll just be graduating from highschool in a month " she said

"Ellie, i want you to be mine. We could always do home study. I know money is not a problem between the two of us" he said and Ellie was just dumbstruck then after a minute 


And with that he take her and made her his and they become one

"ellie.. Eliie. Im sorry what's wrong?"

She was brought back to reality when she felt that someone shook her

He stared her while her cheeks were full of tear trails and her expression was of that trapped pup

He clenched his fist

"im sorry" he turned his back on her and snapped her finger

Only the clicking sound of the lock being unlocked resound on that kitchen and he walked outside

His knuckles white from anger. Anger that's directed towards himself

She was left there.. In the hurtful shadows of her past

"it was still you"

She whispered and silently cried

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