Chapter Seventeen: Should love each other

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Ellie's POV

"Yeah, i think we'll stay for another month since we'll be spending 3 weeks here at the Pierre's Estate" i told Saya on the phone

I informed her to cancel our flights next week for returning to New Zealand since were stuck here in the Pierre's Estate for  almost a month

"You know Ellie, you should just stay here for good. Your children are just catching up with their dad" Saya tells me at the other line

I looked at the direction where Kaleb and Kayla was being taught how to swim by Kayden. Their adorable faces were filled with smiles the moment we entered in here

Maybe...maybe, this is their home.

"I dunno Saya, it's too fast. Anyway, thank you for accomodating my requests" i told her and i hung up

I sat down at the table inthe garden when suddenly someone gently tapped me in the shoulder.i looked up and saw it was Lucia. I smiled

"Can i join you my dear?" She asked and i nodded

"I couldnt imagine what hardships you faced alone during those times, but im here to apologise to you from taking Kayden.away...from you 5 years ago. If i was not that frail then he was there beside you and the kids wouldnt hve suffered the hardships they faced in the past" i looked at Lucia and checked if she was pulling another trick for me to agree to stay here but i saw sincerity in her eyes this time

I smiled and held her hand

"No. It's alright. Everything happens for a reason. And the hardship i faced before, i was never alone facing them. I have Saya, Shawn, Nana, and Elliot with me. Especially Saya who was there hand in hand with me . I have never regretted having the twins..but i regretted that my hatred towards their dad hurted them, in a sense that i've deprived them of a fatherly love. And i will never ever heal the scar it caused to them" i told her almost choking on my words now because every memories i had about the twins inquiring me about their dad suddenly came flashing back at me like a raging waves. I saw that longing in their eyes but i had overlooked it because of my hatred towards Kayden. Suddenly i felt my tears left a warmth trail on my cheeks and just a minute and Kayden was beside me

" what's wrong?" He asked alerted and panicked

I was so surprised that the only action i did was to blink at him several times.

"Kayden, nothings wrong we were just talking" Lucia assured him but his brows just creased

"Are you sure you're really okay?"he asked one more time

And i couldnt bring myself to say simple words such as "okay,im fine"

Instead i nodded still blinking at him

Wait. If he's here then who's with the kids

I immediately snapped my head towards their direction and i saw them happily swimming around

"My gosh! Why did you left them there" i stood up and was about to jog towards the twins' direction when he suddenly grabbed my arm

" relax. They're safe. That pool is just 3 feet deep, and mom and dad made it to be drown proof. The materials are high standards. Even if they go on jumping and hit their heads below the pool floor they wont be harmed.The floor has rubber tiles. All of the materials used are danger free. So relax" Kayden explained and i just stared at him and lucia with disbelief.

So they really did plan this ahead to think of how much was exactly it cost them just to build that harm free kids pool.

"I said im okay" i told Kayden as he was just about to take a step closer from me

"Lucia, thank you so much but don't bother about it. I never pinned that on you" i smiled gently at her and walked towards where kayla and kaleb was

"My munchkins, are you enjoying?" I asked them as i was walking nearer and nearer

"Well, mummy to be honest yeah. I dont want to go home to New Zealand. It feels lonely there mumm-"

"KAYLA!" Kaleb cut him off but it was too late

"Oops. Sorry Kaleb, sorry mum" and she lowered her head as if ashamed of what she said

I immediately concealed the pain expression i had seconds ago and replace it with a warm and gentle smile

"Honey, continue" i told Kayla and look at ger encouragingly

She looked at Kaleb then me then Kaleb and stayed her focus on her twin brother

And i dont know what's happening as they immerse in a "twin telepathy kind of communication until that one point where Kaleb finally sighed and Kayla was fidgeting her finger which shows that she really is embarassed and conflicted on about what she will about to say

"Well, uhmmm. Mummy as you might've noticed.. we were in a short twin meeting..but mum..what i really want to say is....this is our home.i mean..this feel so much close as home than our home in New teacher once said "home is where family is" and...and...our in here. Unca Shawn, Aunt nana, and uncle Elliot.. as well as Grammy Ella,Grandpa, and Grandma...and also daddy" she stopped and looked intently into my eyes

I tried hard not to chang my expression from a pained one as i can see how conflicted my daughter is right now because of my selfishness

"Mumm...what kayla was just trying to say is..." kaleb paused and swam nearer on my position

"Can.can we stay here??. Can daddy again?" He asked me with his brown innocent eyes looking up at me

" i mean...grammy ella said you two love each other before..but due to some difficult prevented you to love each can now love each other now right?? I should love each other" Kayla continued where Kaleb left off

And i really can see where this conversation is heading and i am losing my will to fight against the idea of staying here for good but looking again on the pair of bkue and brown innocent eyes looking at me expectantly i cant help but sigh

"Give mum some time to sort out about her unfinished business in New Zealand but don't worry. We will not go home...i mean we will not go back to new zealand unless necessary

I told them defeatedly but there was a smile plastered on my face and m heart was filled with peace as i see my twins adorable giggling, laughing, and jumping happily in the kiddie pool at my answer

"You havent answered the last question yet" kayden's voice suddenly came from right behind me and o regretted that i immediately turned back as my face was greeted by his hard chest.

"What" i stepped back and looked at him annoyingly

" our children said we can love each other now right?" He asked but more on teased than asked

I rolled my eyes at him and i walked out..i mean walked in the house

Oh dear Lord. What i'm going to do with this.

A/n hi guys im so sorry it took me too long again to update because i recently found out that my wattpad is not woking properly and had caused me to loose my four chapters draft ready just as i was about to publish it monday morning. But no luck sherlock! It did sadden me a bit cause men, that was my hardowrk vanished in an instant. But then again i tried to move on and even if i had tocompletely start from scartch again atleat it gave me opportunity to choose and weigh my options as to whether go in the direction and concept of my first draft or just go with the flow of my second draft (which is this one youre reading) and just go with the flow. Anyways, thank you for being so so so patient with me. Sorry for the grammar errors and typo. Love u all!

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