Chapter Eighteen: Don't Worry,We'll help you

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Kayden's POV

"if i hear just even one single mistake or bad comment in this event, consider all of you  fired, do you understand?" i threathened to the receptionist who's handling the party i set for the twins

i only want the best for them

i hung up and as i turn my back to head towards the house i was met by a pair of blue innocent eyes, that's obviously inherited from me

"hi angel,what's wrong?" i asked her and she looked so conflicted as to what she has to say as she kept fidgeting her hand

i see that as a sign of Kayla being confused as to whether to continue to voice out or just stop

i looked at her encouragingly and told her "go on angel, whatever you ask, daddy will give it to you" i smiled at her and looked intently in her eyes

then she lifted her head up and smiled at me "then, daddy? can you please be a little bit of uhmmm....kind? towards the people in your work?" she asked and then she humbly bowed her head again staring blankly to the ground

i was taken aback by what she said then stepped closer to her and knelt so that we were at the same level

i lifted her chin gently and made her look at me straight

"honey, daddy needs to do that so they wont turn into bad and lazy employees. we don't want that right?" i asked her and she nodded

"but, daddy, i think you could be friendly and strict at the same time. Mom does that all the time at her workplace, kaleb too! especially when he's scolding me but still let me feel that he loves me so much...uhmmm what do you call that daddy? that kind of way of scolding people but let them feel that you still love them.. uhmmm uhmmm" she kept on mumbling and i cant help but chuckle at her behavior

"honey, it's called caring" i helped her and she immediately smiled and jumped and hugged me

"yes!that's it daddy!, you're really smart daddy, just like Kaleb" she said and then she kept looking at me with expectant eyes

okay, what should i do with this

"uhmmmm, angel to be honest, I...I dont know how because...i just not suited for that angel" i told her trying my best to reject her suggestion without hurting her

she smiled widely

"daddy! don't worry! i will ask mom if she could help you! We will help you daddy!"

i was just about to reject again but suddenly an idea came up and i smiled widely

" oh angel, you're such a lifesaver" i told her and carried her as she giggle happily because she thought i agreed at her suggestion

well, partly i agreed not because of her reason, but because i have an agenda

and that is to make my family stay in my side,forever, Ellie included

As they all say, strike the iron when it's still hot, and Kayla just opened up an opportunity for me to make my family beside me,especially my plan to come back together again with Ellie.

As countless plans, and ideas came rushing forth my mind i heard a scream that made my blood freeze cold especially knowing well the scream comes from a voice i could recognize well.

i sprinted towards where the scream came from and pushed for the emergency button intended for the guards to hint them that there's an emergency in the mansion

"Ellie!Ellie!" where are you?!

i kept on calling and i ran through Mom and Dad.

"please" i told dad and handed Kayla over to him

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