Chapter Twenty: The Power Of Ellie's genes

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Author's note : first and foremost i am so sorry of the super late update as iwas enjoying my vacation, also i would like to say sorry to the readers who did not expect my last chapter to be so senti in the end. It's just at that moment i feel senti too sooo. Sorry. Teeheee. Anyways, please enjoy my double update

Saya's POV

"you know what Ellie, you cant force yourself to heal. You need time  and my dear avoidance isnot the key. It's endurance. If you can stay in the same room with him without being hurt or feeling anything. Then it's the time youcan say you reallyhad moved on. " i told Ellie atthe other line

" i really wish i'm there" i added when all i get from her on the other line is sniffing

"look. It's okay not to be fine. It's okay to let them see you're hurting. It's okay to show them your scars Elle, it's inevitable. You're amazing and strong and all, but don't forget that you're human" i continued when Shawn walked in looking so handsome in his grey sweatpants and white plain shirt

He did not just winked at me!

"uhmmm.. Ellie wait ill just fix something then i'll be back"

"what are you doing here exactly?" i told him

He' s so stubborn. When he heard that i was all alone the whole month he continued on pestering me to stay with me for that whole month while Ellie and the kids were gone.

Look. Were not a thing yet. Were just.. Dating

Yeah. And if he's being so gorgeous and hot all the time then i cant afford to stay with him in a single space.

"ellie, i know youre strong.. But pain is inevitable and only by attending your wounds and scars will you be able to heal" i told her again and the line was cut off

"saya. How's she?" shawn asked me with a worried look

"obviously? She's not fine. I think we better ask for Elliot's help. He knew her the most" i told shawn and he nodded

He smiled at me and his smile became a grin

Oh no what is this guy thinking

"you know saya.. It's just the two of us here" he said while he was slowly nearing closing the gap between us

"seconds ago yes.. But now? Youre alone. Bye" and i pretended to walk out

Authors note:i decided to continue saya and shawn's story on a seperate story. Sooo i dont know when that will be. This chapter onwards i'll just focus on kayden and ellie's story.

Ginny's POV

"hey boss, why is the Ceo so scary? He's never been like this before" asked the secretary of Kayden

We were at the company and Kayden arranged a meeting for those who will handle the twins' birthday party. He was throwing everything he sees even though i know all the plans and ideas presented to him are all top notch, poor planners, they dont know that Kayden was in a bad mood ever since lunch time

"i think i know how to suppress this beast" i assured them and i looked at me as if i was a god or something

I couldnt help but laugh inwardly. You had it tough? I had it tough too. I cant barely focus on my driving because of the chilling aura he was emitting. As if he's ready to murder someone.

I called Aunt Lucia to ask if she and Uncle maurer could send the kids here in the office to tame their daddy.

"just you guys wait and see. Our saviors will arrive after 30 minutes, so hang in there guys" i told them and finally walked in a messy room

I pressed the interpol button
"get someone to clean up this mess. Also prepare some books and lots of blueberry cheesecakes, we have guests" then i noticed the chilling aura  gradually dissipated. Then i mustered up enough courage to look at Kayden who is now seemed back into normal. Still his poker face but much more relaxed now than that murderous expression i saw earlier at the car.

He raised his eyebrows slightly
"twins comin'?" he asked in a monotonous tone

"yep" i inwardly pat myself for answering without my voice cracking uo because i felt my throat was parched due to the tension kayden brought today in the office atmosphere

"what time?" he asked again

"half an hour" i replied again this time my voice sounded coarse

He replied with a "hmm" and pressed the interpol

"buy all the blueberry cheesecakes you can get and get all the recent editions of books about dinosaurs in 15 minutes. If not, youre fired" the. He let go and relaxed in his chair

"im sleeping, wake me up when the twins arrives" he asked and i exited his office

At the time i walked out of the office all the employees who saw the scene earlier dropped their jaw and looked at me as if i just created a miracle. Well. I couldnt blame them from thinking how could i just enter and leave the lion's den without a scratch(without experiencing hell first).

I inwardly said "the power of ellie's genes"

"stop looking at me. I merely even did anything. Just wait and see there's a miracle coming" i told them

Half an hour later i could see the black limo.

"uncleeeee!!!" small cute head peeked at the window and a small hand waved at me.

"Kayla my sweet bun" i waved back at her

"hi kaleb" i waved at kaleb too and he smiled at me showing me his dimples

"uncle, grammy told me that dad was being a bad boy again, where is he? I should punish him" she told me with a serious look on her face

I laughed at her

"yes yes. Go to your dad immediately. He made it exeptionally hard for all of us today at work. Come" i ushered them and all the employees eyes were on the twins. Especially on kaleb, because it's their first time seeing their boss' kids.

Kayla and Kaleb stopped and greeted everyone. The tense atmosphere died down and a cozy and lovely atmosphere was slowly budding.

When we reached the executive floor. The moment the twins saw their daddy they immediately run towards his office

"daddyyyyyyy!" kayla began running then when she was almost at the door she tripped

"kayla i told you not to run" kaleb immediately run to her sister's side and helped her stood up

Kayden went out and greeted the. With a warm smile and an open arms

They raced towards theie dad and showered him with kisses

"daddy. You should not be so strict with your employees. Mommy told. Me she hates being too strict" kayla started scolding Kayden and he immediately laughed at her scoldings which turned everyone's faces in a readable expression which means "the boss knew how to laugh?" and they all looked at the twins as if they were some miracle from the skies.

"okay. Daddy promises not to be too steict when not needed" he said and turned around to everyone with his poker face again

"i'll be giving all of you 1 week paid leave. But make sure the fiest priority and assignment i gave to you.. Noncompliance will result to demerits" he said and walked out carrying the two bundle of joys

The employees and i were left speechless

We were all on the same page

"when was the time the boss said we will be having demerits and not immediate firing as a punishment?" an employee asked

"NEVER" we all answered in unison

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