Four- Remy Reed.

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Remy hadn't wanted to say yes to him, but he was persistent and had very large eyes that were difficult to say no to.

And so, Remy was taking Atticus out to get ice cream.

The parlor wasn't far from their house, so they walked, once again, because Atticus wanted to. While Remy didn't mind getting ice cream- he actually greatly enjoyed ice cream- he wished that he had insisted to drive, since by the time they were stepping into the air conditioned Ice cream shop, he felt uncomfortably sticky with sweat.

If Atticus was having the same problem, he didn't seem to mind, eagerly talking the whole walk and asking Remy the occasional question. His answers were vague, but by this point, Atti seemed to to know that if he wanted a detailed answer to a question, he shouldn't ask Remy.

Remy was answering a question then, as they entered the parlor. "No, Atticus, Sydney was busy today," and then he saw him.

Well, them.

Cecil Clarke was not alone, sitting in a circular booth with four other boys, one of which Remy recognized from the bookstore the other day.

His eyes shifted away quickly before he could be caught noticing them. It seemed to be in his best intentions just to ignore them until they left, but when his eyes slid back to Atticus, his spot from just a second before was empty.

Panic. That's the only thing Remy could feel for a full ten seconds as his eyes began to dart around desperately.

He saw it before he heard it. "Hi Mr. Cecil!"

Remy looked in that direction quickly, and sure enough, Atticus was standing at the end of Cecil's table grinning at the four boys. It drove Remy insane that his brother was so trusting to of everything and everyone, and he'd scold the boy on their walk home for running off and not at least telling him where he was going first.

Reluctantly, Remy slowly made his way over to the table, his eyes only on his younger brother as the boy spoke excitedly about something while waving his arms about.

He tried, he really did, to avoid making eye contact with those pale green eyes, but when he was only a few feet away, he looked up from his brother to Cecil, who was grinning at him as he approached.

Why does he make me feel like this?

"Ahh," Cecil said when Remy was finally standing alongside his brother. "I should have known. Hello beautiful".


"I don't recall that being my name," Remy said and Cecil looked pleased with him.

Son of a-

"Well it should be". Cecil stood then and Remy took a quick step backwards so they weren't pressed together chest to chest. "Let's go".

"Excuse me?" Remy asked, glancing down at his brother, who was talking to one of Cecil's friends about sidewalk chalk. Remy quickly glanced around the table at all of the boys, looking for any threat, before directing his attention upwards.

"I'm going to buy you ice cream," Cecil claimed and Remy, without a pause, said:


Eyebrows raised, and a second later strands of metallic silver fell in front of them, hiding them from view. Absently, Cecil pushed his hair back again. "No?"

"Yes, do you not know what that word means? That wouldn't be a surprise since you've heard it enough from me at this point and still don't seem to understand that I'm not interested". One of Cecil's friends chuckled at this, but the pale green eyes didn't leave the hazel ones.

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