Twenty Eight- Remy Reed

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A/N mentions of child abuse

When Remy opened the door, Beckett grinned at him from the front porch, showing every single one of his white teeth. Every time he saw him, Remy was struck by how old his brother looked. At the age fifteen, he was already 5'11, muscled from all of the sports he played in his freetime, and his eyes held more experience than anyone at that age should have. While Remy couldn't blame Beckett for any of this, but it bothered him that his brother, three years his minor, looked to be at least his age. Between the two of them, it would be easy to mistake Remy as the younger sibling.

This had actually already happened a few days previous at the ice cream parlor.

Since their reunion, Beckett and Remy had seen each other almost every day. It was Remy's way to make up for lost time; he'd missed so much of Beckett's life, he didn't want to miss anymore of it. To make up for all the missed birthdays and christmases, Remy took Beckett out a lot. On thursday, when they had ventured to the ice cream parlor, and attractive man, who appeared to be about his own age had stopped at their table and proceeded to ask Beckett what his younger brothers deal was, as if Remy wasn't sitting there, and as if Remy wasn't three years older than the other boy.

"Nice shirt," Beckett said sarcastically and Remy glanced down at himself, wrinkling his nose at the oversized flannel he was wearing.

"It's comfortable," Remy defended and Beckett just smiled at him.

"Thanks for inviting me over," he said now, easily peering over the top of Remy's head into the home behind him. They had not yet visited one anothers houses, since that only seemed to remind them both that they were siblings who didn't live together for many different reasons, the main being that Beckett's foster parents- their aunt and uncle- saw Remy as a lost cause.

This was the reason why Beckett had come to Remy's house and not the other way around. Remy was ready to show Beckett the people who had helped him get through the last five years of his life.

"No need to thank me," Remy said, stepping aside and gesturing for him to enter. "They're all really excited to meet you. Dad wanted you to come over right away last week but I wanted you to myself for a bit I guess".

Beckett hummed, stepping inside the house and immediately toeing off his shoes. "It's also a bit weird, isn't it? I mean, meeting your family".

"Because we're supposed to have the same family?" Remy asked and Beckett nodded. "I was just thinking about that".

"Speaking of family," Beckett said, and then he held out an old shoe box to Remy. It was the first time Remy realized that Beckett had brought something with him, and he looked down at it with great interest, but didn't take it from him.

"What's this?"

"It's Donovan's," Beckett said, and Remy looked up at him in shock. "As you know, we got the house when dad was arrested". Remy blinked in surprise. He didn't know that. Beckett seemed to sense the surprise on Remy's face, because he paused. "Aunt Janet and Uncle Andrew didn't tell you?"

"Of course not," Remy said, and then he looked down at the box in his brothers hands. "What's in it?"

Beckett popped the lid of the box, letting Remy peer inside. "Pictures. I found them under his bed. Remember how he was always stealing money from dad to get disposable cameras? Well apparently he had been developing them as well and saving them in a box under his bed. When we were cleaning out the house to sell it-"

"You sold the house?"

"Well we weren't going to live in it," Beckett said, and Remy nodded his head in understanding. "Anyways, when we were cleaning out yours and Donnie's room we found this box under his bed. Some of it is... well, he kept a sort of diary through pictures, so some of them are a little... harsh, but there's plenty of pictures of just us together and stuff. He wrote on the back of all of the photos too, so you can see his handwriting again. Also, he has letters and cards from all of us in here too. I thought you'd like to see it".

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