Seventeen- Remy Reed.

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When Remy woke up, it was still dark outside, and everything was wrong.

To start, he was warm, too warm, and there was a breathing, moving body hugging him from behind, hot breath on the back of his neck and a soft brush of lips on his overheated skin.

Then there was his lower back, which ached to the point of him whimpering in pain when he moved. It was a horrible feeling, a horrible pain that reminded him of something that he had felt before, a long time ago.

The body behind him shifted, and it clicked in Remy's head.

He sat up quickly, pushing the arm that was around him away as he rolled out of bed. In his panic, he crashed to the floor and squeaked at the feeling of his bare skin on the cold hard wood of his bedroom.

Remy froze, listening for the person in the bed, who stirred briefly before finding another comfortable position and quieting. His stomach lurched again, and Remy scrambled towards the direction of his bathroom.

While he couldn't see much, Remy recognized the smell of his room and the feeling of his sheets the second he awoke.

When he was in his bathroom, he slammed the door behind him and locked it before hurrying over to the toilet and dropping to his knees. His lower back ache at this action, and the feeling had him leaning over the toilet and emptying his stomach contents into the toilet bowl.

Before he could wipe his mouth clean, there was a knock at the bathroom door. "Remy?" The boy in question closed his eyes tightly as his body shook and his arms wrapped around his knees, hugging them to his chest. "Baby?"

And the whole night came back to him. Finding Cecil in his kitchen with his father, looking oddly irrestiable in his sweatpants and glasses with his tired eyes and mussed hair.

And then them intertwined in Remy's bed, with Cecil moving within him and making the most wonderful face. The memory, while pleasing, made Remy even more aware of the ache in his lower back, and has him inhaling deep breaths over the toilet again.

"Baby, are you alright? Let me in. Please Remy," Cecil said, and Remy rose to his feet, his knees shaking, and flushed the toilet. "Rem?"

"One minute," Remy said, gripping the edge of the sink to keep himself upright. With a shaking hand, he reached out and grabbed his toothbrush.

By the time Remy opened the door to Cecil, his mouth tasted like mint. "Hi," Remy said softly and Cecil blinked his tired eyes down at him. Remy didn't have it in him to be embarrassed that he was standing before Cecil completely naked while the other boy had enough sense to put on boxers when he got out of bed. He had also grabbed his shirt, which he held out towards Remy. "Oh". Remy looked up at him with wide eyes. "Can we take a shower?"

Cecil's mouth opened in a yawn, but he nodded his head, folding his shirt and dropping it down onto the toilet lid after closing it. Remy watched as Cecil turned on the shower, and then slowly pushed his boxers down his legs.

"Come on," Cecil said, holding his hand out to Remy, who took it and allowed his boyfriend to help him into the shower.

Cecil followed after him and immediately slid his arms around Remy's waist and dropped his head onto his shoulder. "Is this okay?"

"Yeah," Remy said, relaxing for the first time since he had woken up.

"Good," Cecil said, tilting his head to the side and pressing his lips into Remy's neck. "I'm so tired".

"Why did you get in the shower with me?" Remy asked, tilting his head back against Cecil's shoulder, allowing the hot water to wash over his bare body.

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