Eleven- Cecil Clarke

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Cecil was with Zane when he got the call, or more accurately calls. They were drinking in Cecil's living room, not a lot because Cecil still didn't want to revert back to his old ways, but enough that Zane laughed more easily, and Cecil was just starting to feel the tingling of slight intoxication.

He put his mixed drink down onto the coffee table before leaning back and stretching his arms over the back of the couch. Zane was currently telling Cecil about how terribly his last conquest had gone.

"So the poetry didn't work?" Cecil ask and Zane snorted.

"Fuck poetry," Zane said, and then he laughed. "I can't memorize that shit".

"It's alright".

Zane scoffed. "That's coming from you, the man who can recite Shakespeare at random ass times".

"I can recite a few lines, and I only do when they are appropriate," Cecil corrected.

"I'm not even going to pretending that I was listening to you," Zane said, finishing his drink and then reaching for the bottle of cake vodka off of the coffee table and moving to pour more in his glass. Cecil cut him off. "What the fuck, man?"

"No more for you". Cecil forced the bottle out of Zane's hands. "You need to go home- I've already hidden your keys so you're walking- and I'm saving you from your mother. My hopes are that by the time you finish walking your ass home, you'll be sober enough to not get caught underage drinking again. I know you like your dick, and I also know your mother has threatened to remove it if she catches you again".

"I do like my penis," Zane agreed, sipping at the rim of his glass before remembering that it was empty. "No more alcohol".

"That's right," Cecil agreed, patting his friend on the shoulder. "No more alcohol. We're making good decisions tonight".

"Technically you're making good decisions for me," Zane grumbled. "Speaking of good decisions, how's your boy Remy?"

"How is he, or how are we?" Cecil asked for clarification and Zane shrugged.


"He's great". Zane looked skeptical. "I think he's getting better, I really do. I know something happened in the past, and he still hasn't spoken to me about it, but I'm not going to pressure him into telling me anything. He's just... been more relaxed lately. Ever since that day we almost kissed last week. Since then, we've been great".

"That's good, really good. I'm happy for you, Ce. You're being careful though, right?"

Cecil rolled his eyes. "It's Remy. You have nothing to worry about," he assured and Zane nodded.

"I hope-"

And then it happened. Zane was interrupted by a ring. The call.

"Speaking of Remy," Cecil said, looking at his phone. He was surprised since Remy typically didn't call him- he called Remy- which made him want to answer the phone even more, but he remembered all the times Zane got mad at him for answering Caroline's calls in the middle of a conversation. He shot a hesitant look to his friend.

"Jesus, are you gonna pick up already or what?"

"You're okay with that?"

Zane nodded. "Yeah man. Caroline was a total bitch, Remy's better for you than she was. I don't care if you answer a phone call of someone who's actually worth it".

"He is," Cecil agreed with a smile before answering the phone. "Hey sugar, what's up?"

"Oh". Remy's voice was a little deeper than normal and he cleared his throat. "I wasn't expecting you to pick up".

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