Twenty One- Cecil Clarke

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When Cecil left Remy's house, he felt numb.

All he could think about where the words he heard coming from the voice that unmistakably belonged to his boyfriend.

"Sydney, I have had sex with over twenty men. I remember every single person who has ever been inside of me. I remember every single time I've had sex," Remy had said, effectively shattering Cecil's heart with his words.

He hadn't been able to listen to any other words at that point, could only focus on getting out of the house as fast as possible, before Remy could open his bedroom door and see him standing there with what he imagined to be the most heart broken look he could muster on his face.

Cecil went to the first place he could think of going, and it was the first place he could think of because he could see it through Remy's backyard the second he stepped off the porch.

Jordan Sullivan opened the back door after one knock, and smiled at Cecil. "Hey Clarke. How you doing?" Jordan asked. "Carter's coming over in a couple of minutes- you look absolutely miserable. What's wrong? Why are you in my backyard anyway?"

Cecil typically would find Jordan bring up this part last funny, but he didn't feel like laughing.

"Uhh-," Cecil began, feeling dazed at the pain in his chest. "Do you have alcohol?"

Jordan snorted. "Do I have alcohol? Of course I have-" he cut off then and looked at Cecil with narrowed eyes. "Clarke, that's not a good idea. You're not yourself when you drink".

"Just for tonight, Jordan," Cecil said. "I'm not going back to that".

"I still think this is a bad idea," Jordan claimed, but he held his door open further so Cecil could slip inside. "Take a seat in the living room, Clarke. Uh... make yourself comfortable".

Cecil obeyed, walking in the direction that he vaguely remembered the living room being it. Jordan stayed in his kitchen. Looking around, Cecil debated where to sit. Him and Jordan, once upon a time, had sex on every piece of furniture in the room. Anywhere he sat, he would remember at least three positions he had been in years before.

He chose to sit on the couch, since it was the only place in the room that he could associate with a nonsexual memory.

The memory of him and Jordan officially ending their relationship. It was actually a fond memory that had ended in them both laughing about how stupid they had been the whole time, and then watching television for hours while making jokes about the characters on the screen. It had been the end of their relationship, but the beginning of their friendship.

"I don't think I need to ask what you're drinking," Jordan said, entering the room and joining Cecil on the couch. He had two shot glasses with him, and he wasted no time in unscrewing the top of the vodka and pouring some in each. "Here's the deal, Clarke. We take a shot, and then you talk, Alright?"

"I really didn't come here to talk," Cecil said, but he reached out and took the shot anyways. Jordan followed in suit and then looked at him expectantly.

"I fell in love with Remy".

"Alright," Jordan said, and his eyebrows furrowed. "And you're drinking because..."

"Because I was just at his house," Cecil said, and then he gestured for Jordan to pour him another shot. Jordan poured one for both of them.

"And he dumped you?" Jordan asked, and Cecil shook his head, immediately picking up the shot glass and pouring it down his throat. It burned, but Cecil had always liked that feeling. A loud sigh left Jordan as he glared down at the drink on the table, but he picked it up and slowly brought it to his lips.

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