Twenty Six- Remy Reed

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A/N Another Remy chapter. His life is more exciting that Cecil's at the moment, clearly.

Mentions of Child Abuse

"You ready?" Sydney asked, squeezing Remy's hand tightly. Remy looked at his cousin out of the corner of his eye and sighed loudly.

"Will I ever be ready?" He asked, and Sydney looked back at him.

They were standing in front of the local coffee shop together, and Remy was taking his time in preparing to enter. Sydney had somehow anticipated that this would be an issue, and had assured they had arrived at the coffee shop fifteen minutes before they were actually supposed to get there.

Remy had agreed to meet Beckett again, and was nervous to see him after five years.

Just the night before Remy had sent the message. The time and place, just as Ethan had instructed, and the number, which Remy saved into his cellphone as Beck under old sentiment, had responded almost immediately with an, I'll be there.

"I don't know if you'll ever be ready," Sydney said, "but this is something you've been keeping from yourself for two years, Remy. You deserve to see him again. No one is holding you back anymore".

"I know," Remy said, and then he sighed loudly. "Do you think he's here already?"

"No," Sydney said with enough confidence that Remy's eyebrows shot up. "Just a feeling".

"Alright," Remy said, shrugging. "I guess I'll take your word for it". With one last deep breath, Remy began moving forwards and pulled Sydney into the coffee shop by his hand. "I want to pay for his drink. What do you think he likes to drink?"

Sydney let out a huff of air. "I have no clue, Remy. Besides, you haven't taken any shifts at the bookstore in ages. How do you even have any money left?"

"We didn't really go out to coffee much as kids, you know, with the whole prostitute thing," Remy said and Sydney's hands tightened on Remy's and he pulled the short boy closer to his side.

"Stop making those jokes," Sidney demand. "They're only funny to you".

"They're not even funny to me," Remy said, and Sydney glanced down at him with an unreadable expression on his face. "What?"

"Nothing," Sydney said, and then he smiled. "It's just... I don't ever really remember holding a conversation with you for this long ever before this week. It's just... nice to see that you're feeling better". Remy was feeling better, and he smirked at his cousin to show it. "Alright, Remone, why don't you go and find us a table. I'll get us drinks".

"Cool," Remy said, and then he dug out his wallet and handed Sydney a twenty. "If you don't use my money I'm going to be frustrated with you".

Sydney's green eyes flashed with amusement. "Oh no. I'm so scared". Remy just shot him a blank look before turning around and looking at the seating situation of the coffee house. His eyes were drawn only to the empty tables, there were only two of them, and he took a moment to decide which one to take.

Will Beckett like one better than the other? Remy asked himself, and then he let out a small chuckle. Shut up, Remone.

Remy began moving towards the booth, right up against the window, figuring that Beckett would be fine in either seat, and he should chose the one that he preferred the most.

He was almost to the booth, just two tables away, when a hand reached out and wrapped around his wrist. Remy was pulled up short and he frowned a little, looking down at the hand on his arm, and then up at the person who it belonged to. "Excuse me-"

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