Epilogue- Cecil Clarke

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(Three years later)

"I can't believe you're moving," Sydney was saying to Remy and Cecil watched his boyfriend's face carefully, looking for any sign of distress at the words. Remy's face remained a blank mask, which Cecil took as a good thing. "I mean, Remy. You've never lived anywhere but Florida".

"Sydney," Remy said, "shut up, would you?" Cecil laughed and used his arm around Remy's waist to pull him close enough to press a kiss to the top of his head. "We're not moving for another two months".

"But you're going to be on vacation for a month and a half of that," Sydney grumbled and Remy just shrugged nonchalantly. "Are we going to have to throw you another going away party?"

"This isn't a going away party," Remy said his hand gently moving down to Cecil's which was still resting on his waist. "It's a party for Clarke".

Cecil looked around at the gathering of people in his backyard and sighed. He really didn't want this, he had insisted that his parents not throw him a party, but they never really listened to him, ever, so he wasn't surprised that they went ahead with it anyway.

"What have you achieved, Clarke?" Sydney asked, and Remy scoffed.

"Did you not even look at the invitation?" Remy asked and Sydney made a face.

"Of course not, I just saw that there was going to be cake".

"I got into law school," Cecil explained. "It's kind of why we're moving. Remember?"

"I still don't get why you need to take Remy with you," Sydney grumbled, turning his head to look away and Cecil eyed him carefully. He understood why Sydney wasn't thrilled about the idea of Remy leaving florida, but it made him feel as if Remy's cousin doubted his ability to take care of him.

"He's not taking me," Remy said, "I'm willingly going. There's a difference". Remy's hand pushed its way under Cecil's on his hip, and then stayed there. Cecil sighed and pushed his fingers through the gaps in Remy's.

"Why are you going though?" Sydney asked again.

"Because of Cecil," Remy said, and Cecil gently squeezed his fingers. "And Beckett".

At the sound of the boys name, Cecil's eyes shot over to where Beckett was standing across the yard, talking to a sullen looking Mr. Reed and Zane, who was standing suspiciously close to the boy, who didn't seem to be paying much attention to him.

Cecil and Zane had grown apart three years ago, and then back together last year when Zane came to him and apologize about his behavior and explained the whole situation. Explained how Zane had realized he was bisexual about a month after his fallout with Cecil, and it occurred to him that maybe his feelings for Remy had a bit stronger than he was allowing himself to feel at the time. The feelings had long since dissipated, Zane assured, and he spent the the majority of his time seducing helpless boys.

It was funny, watching the way Zane was eyeing Beckett, probably assuming that the boy would be easy to handle.

"If he touches my brother, I'm going to kill him," Remy said into Cecil's ear.

"Don't worry about it, Pumpkin. Sydney will keep them apart while we're gone, and then when we get back, we'll be taking him to Wisconsin and they will be far far away from one another," Cecil said, pressing his lips against Remy's temple.

Sydney snorted. "You want me to keep him away from Beckett? I am only one man".

"What's that mean?" Cecil asked, and Sydney's eyes shifted from Remy to him.

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