Twenty- Remy Reed.

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A/N Mentions of past child abuse

Sydney showed up not even half an hour after Remy's text had sent, and he brought lime flavored Ice cream with him.

"What's that for?" Remy asked when he first opened the front door to his grinning cousin. He didn't want to sound too greatful or Sydney would feel the need to bring ice cream every time he ventured over, but he was quite pleased with his friend at the moment, so he gave him a nod. "Whatever. Come in".

Sydney stepped over the threshold and kicked his shoes off. "I brought it so we could talk over ice cream," the blonde said, and then he chewed his lower lip. "Exactly what will we be talking about, by the way?"

Remy just looked at him blankly before reaching forwards and took the pint of ice cream from his hands. "I'll grab spoons. You can go to my room. I'll be there in a second". Sydney nodded, though he still looked at Remy with an unsure look before making his way off down the hall. Towards the end of it, he slipped into Remy's room and the door shut behind him.

"Damn it," Remy said under his breath, letting out a uneasy breath. He wasn't ready; he didn't feel ready yet, but then he thought about Cecil, and his are you okay? And he wished so deeply that he was able to respond with a confident yes, and if going through absolute hell was what he needed to do in order to stop lying to his boyfriend, Remy thought he owed him that much. Cecil had already done so much for him, had already made him feel more human again. It would be insulting to not finish the job.

Remy slowly made his way to the kitchen, ignoring his father as he walked past him to the drawer where the silverware was kept. He removed two spoons from the drawer and turned, fully prepared to leave the room without even sharing a word with the man, but a quick hand snapped out, clasping around his wrist. His father looked at him, looked at the two spoons, and then sighed. "Is Cecil here?"

"No," Remy said, and his father's eyes narrowed in disbelief. "He's not".

"So if I went into your bedroom I wouldn't find your boyfriend?" His father asked and Remy scoffed.

"No," Remy said. "You'd see Sydney. You know him, right? Do you also dislike him for spending time with me?"

His father dropped his wrist and took a quick step backwards. "Enjoy your ice cream".

Remy left the room, immediately going to his bedroom and joining Sydney on the bed. "My father hates Cecil".

"Can you blame him?" Sydney asked, talking the ice cream from Remy and prying off the top before forcing one of the two spoons from his tight grasp. Remy watched with narrowed eyes as Sydney pressed the tip of his spoon into the ice cream and scooped and average amount before bringing it to his mouth. His green eyes flicked up to Remy's then and widened in surprise at the hostile look he was being sent. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, his mouth full of green ice cream, which normally would have severely pissed Remy off, but he was more focused on something else at the, moment.

"What the fuck is wrong with Cecil?" he asked and Sydney's eyebrows raised. "What do you mean can you blame him? Yes, I can blame him. Cecil's done nothing wrong".

Sydney shot him a look of disbelief. "Even I'm not a huge fan of Cecil right now".

"Right," Remy said, stabbing the ice cream with his spoon but not taking any. "Why did you punch him in the face, again?" Remy had gotten the call from Sydney earlier about how Cecil had made him angry so he punched him, but when Remy asked, Sydney had been unable to tell him why he had gotten so mad, and Cecil hadn't mentioned it.

"Yeah," Sydney said, also stabbing his spoon into the ice cream. He crossed his arms then and looked at Remy as if he had disappointed him. "I actually wanted to talk to you about that, but I'm assuming that's what you had in mind for us to talk about when you asked me to come over, so I'm listening".

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