Fifteen- Remy Reed

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A/N This gets intense.

The coffee shop was nearly empty, though Remy really wasn't too surprised since it was nearly ten o'clock at night. "Tell me again why we're meeting your friends so late all the time?" Remy asked as looked around the seating area for the familiar faces of Kyle, Zane, and Oliver.

Their date in the planetarium had been just over a week ago, and since then Cecil had gotten Remy well acquainted with his friends through many late night dinners and coffees. "Because," Cecil said, gently tugging Remy by his hand in the opposite direction that he was looking in. Turning his head quickly, Remy spotted the table of familiar boys, all of them cradling mugs in their hands. "They go out drinking earlier, and then drink coffee to sober up".

"Is that how that works?" Remy asked, eyeing the boys carefully as they approached the table. "Are they always drunk?"

"No," Cecil said, and then he shot Remy a serious look. "I was always drunk. That's why I stopped partying. They just do it once and a while without me now".

"Can't you go with them and not drink?" Remy asked. They were getting close to the table at this point, but none of the occupants seemed to be listening to them, or even realize they were there really.

"That's not exactly fun," Cecil said. "They're annoying now, even after they've soberbered up for a couple of hours. You can't even imagine how bad they are when they're all drunk. Being sober around them is miserable". They arrived at the booth now, and still no one looked up at them. "Besides," Cecil ducked to press a quick kiss to Remy's temple. "I'd much rather spend my time with you". The silver haired- though it couldn't really be considered silver at this point due to the many strands of brown that accompanied the color- slid into the booth and gently tugged Remy down next to him.

"We ordered your drinks when you texted you were coming," Zane said as a greeting and  Cecil thanked him for the both of them. Remy leaned back against the cushioned booth, once again prepared to spend a night listening to their ridiculousness rather than participating in it.

But the situation seemed to be different this time, and Kyle looked between Remy and Cecil with bright eyes before his gaze finally fell onto the youngest of the two. "So Remy, we've known you for... a while now, and we don't know anything about you" he said randomly and Remy's eyebrows raised. Oliver, who was sitting between Kyle and Zane, rolled his eyes. "What? It's a good question".

"It wasn't even a question," Cecil pointed out and Remy squeezed his hand in affection, since his own mouth had been parted to speak the exact same words.

"Shut up," Kyle said, raising his baby blue mug to his mouth and taking a big sip of steaming liquid. Judging by the man's expression for the next minute, Remy assumed he had burned his throat the entire way down.

"I think he was asking you to tell us about yourself," Oliver said, though his eyes kept flicking sideways to look at Kyle, who had opened his mouth wide to cool his burnt mouth.

"I don't talk about myself," Remy tried to explain simply. "There's not much to tell".

Zane raised an eyebrow. "How about... if you tell us about you, we'll tell you about us," he offered and Remy frowned.

"What tells you that I want to know anything about you?" Remy asked, but Zane just laughed, ignoring his words. Cecil laughed as well, but it was quieter and more hidden.

"Here," Zane said, leaning forwards and pressing his hands flat out on the table as if he was displaying something, "I'll help you out. What is your full name?"

Without a beat, Remy answered. "Remone Harrison Reed".

"Remone?" Kyle asked softly, but before he could get a confirmation Zane was speaking over him.

Making Remy Laugh (BoyxBoy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz