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{A/N : AHHHHHH HELP ME I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS IDDEEAAA AHHHHH- Thank you Mi Amor for such a request ! Glitchy_Bitchy ! all these dances have a video to show you what the dances look like , ALL THESE VIDEOS ARE FROM A PLAYLIST I FOUND , its called "Dancetale characters' dance style reference".}

Yoyo - Sans - Hip-Hop

This 17 year old LOVES to do some Hip-Hop. He loves showing you these cool tricks knowing that you'll NEVER get them right , but if you do , he'll try even harder ones , just to see you struggle , He learned it from his Brother , One.

Chuck - Grillby - Fire Dancing

He ACTUALLY KNOWS HOW TO FUCKING DANCE. He likes to do Salsa , and some Fire dancing. He may be a cocky little shit now , but when he dances , ITS LIKE HE TURNED INTO A DANCING KINKY MOTHER FUCKER WHO KNOWS DEM MOVES. He's also a gentleman when he dances with you.

Yupia - Mettaton - Hip-Hip {The Jazz kind or Beyonce focused Hip-Hop}

YESSSS , SHE'S ON FIRE WITH THESE MOVES !!! She dances like a Pro when she JAMS from Those Beyonce songs , My personal favorite is "If I Were a Boy". She also does Choreography , which teaches you GREATLY. You wished you had skills like her....

Jade - Papyrus - Salsa

Jade LOVES to do Salsa in her Spare time. With who ? YOU OF COURSE ! She loves to practice her moves when she has her time to. And she wears the most BEAUTIFUL Salsa dresses when she wants to be EXTRA SPICY for Your practices , an sometimes you can't "Handle the Heat"....

{A/N : there was no video for that in the playlist , so here's another one}

Alfa - Asriel , Toriel , Asgore and Gaster - "Waltz" or Ballroom Dancing

He likes it simple , and he likes to dance in a very Proper way surprisingly. He will always go from behind , grab you from your waist , and do a little spin before he makes you dance with him. You like it , its just he's much more skilled at it , so you ALWAYS end up stepping on his foot XD

Umbrella - Muffet - Tap Dancing or "Tarantella"

This seemingly EMOTIONLESS Kuudere is ACTUALLY a very big Fan of Tap dancing , also known as "Tarantella". He likes it when he is alone , and just lets all his feelings flow out and FINALLY dance his soul out. You KNOW he Dances , but he DOESN'T know that , and you want it that way. he thinks it stupid , but you thinks its wonderful.

Shura - Undyne - Capoeira

Shura loves a similar type of dance like Yoyo's. Its called "Capoeira". Its an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music. So it was PERFECT for him. He doesn't do it in front of you , because he thinks its embarrassing to do it FOR you. But you like it !

One - Gaster - Finger Tutting

This man is a TALENT with his hands ! The way his hands flow to the beat of Dubstep is very soothing for him , ESPECIALLY you. You Find it VERY memorizing that his fingers could even DO THAT ! He's a bit shy to show others , but he's all out when its in front of YOU.

Bog - Frisk - Ballet

OH. MY. GOD. WHAT THE FUUUCCCKKKK- This Crazy son of a bitch is like , AHHHHH , WHERE THE BLOODY HELL DID HE GET THOSE SKILLS !? I mean , his movements are probably the BEST you've seen outta this whole Stick UNIVERSE. He doesn't wear a skirt , obviously , but he loves to do it with you.

Hyun - Burgerpants - Interpretative Dancing

HAHAHAHA- Bro , no shit , Hyun LOVES interpretative dancing. He has the CRAZIEST dance moves , some just made up , or just for you if you were ever feeling down or needed some entertainment. He made this one dance while you ate Cereal and it made milk shoot out of your nose , it hurt like hell.

Shadowrose - Also Papyrus - Tango

BRO. HE IS SLLIICCKK with Dem MOVES. He brushes it off like its nothing , but when all his training is over and he has time with you , He dances like LIFE DIDN'T MATTER AT ALL. He holds you hand and makes you go CRAZY when he SLOWLY touches your thigh and slides them ALL THE WAY to your Leg , giving a kiss at your ankle.


{I also have a present from my Mom , I'M GONNA GET 2 PET CHAMELEONS FOR MY BIRTHDAY !! Their BOTH Jackson's Chameleon , One Female , and One Male. The cage is BIG , so that they don't kill each other when i'm at school. So yeah , Thanks for the request Glitchy_Bitchy !}


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