twenty two

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taehyung's pov

seeing the image of her running off amused me. but was i too rushed? did i burden her too much?

i wanted to turn back and just leave her alone till something caught my eye. a phone was on the ground.

i went nearer, and a exo sehun photocard was placed on the clear phonecase. it was definitely bae juni's.

i switched it on, and there was quite an amount of notifications on the lockscreen. but something caught my eye.

n o t i f i c a t i o ns

see older
loml has sent you a message

"loml"? did bae juni unexpectedly have a boyfriend? my heart crushed into pieces, but an idea popped up.

what then would be my contact name on her phone? i smirked as i dialled her number on my phone and started calling.

and i was super surprised. not that its ringtone was exo's kokobop but, the caller id name was "loml". i even called a second time to make sure, and it was the same thing.

i am loml?! i laughed out loud and hopped around excitedly.

i walked back home, thinking how cutely surprised juni would be once she realised i found out.

phone number ♡ KTHWhere stories live. Discover now