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Almost 11 years ago...

"PRIMO HOPE!!!!!!! Where the HELL are YOU ????!!!!! You little BRAT!!!!!-....."

The woman stop midsententence,her lips trembling and agape....her eyes wide open in disbelief she whispered


"I don't know.... I didn't expect this...."

The child answer then pause and turned around slowly,the woman almost stumbled backwards,she tightly gripped the door handle to support herself. The child smile,a smile give you a creep to your core.

"This is the curse.... unexpectedly it turned out like this....this is the fruit of that curse I made.... I made this....can you believe this.... I made this amazing curse...hahaha hahaha!!!!!"

The child laugh out loud but the woman starred at him and whispered

"Where is Primo?"

The child stop and look at her confused

"Pri-mo???....oh....this child.... (The child said and clap,then starred at the woman) you don't need him. You hate that child."

The child states in his icy cold voice

"He is MY child."

The woman states in her trembling voiced,the child directly look at him skeptical

"Sinister child. His blood is a Sinister. Are you forgotten,Stella Hope?"


"That's right. Fabio. That's my name. Fabio de Carlos. Ohhh how I missed someone called my name. ( He twirls around like dreaming) I thought I am gonna burned in hell eternity. But here I am at the surface....alive....(panting of happiness) alive....alive... I am ALIVE!!!!.....hahaha hahaha!!!!!!"

Fabio laughed and laughed while Stella starring at him blankly,her mind flowing images of her child,the first time she see her child,the first time her child smile,open his eyes, starring at her,giggle,the first time her child hold her finger,the first time she breast feed him,touch him.
The first time her child spoke 'mama',.
The first time her child crawled,sit,stand,walk.
Did I hugged him?
When is the first time I kiss him?
Telling that I love him,every time he told me that he love me?
Stella asked herself
She didn't remember that,all she remembered how she is mean to her child. Yelled at him. Hit him. Curse him. Abuse him,mentally , physically, verbally.
She is NOT became a good MOTHER.

She blame her child for everything. This is the chance only chance her child the reason of her suffering will vanished.
But why her heart squeeze painfully?
Thinking her child that she hates the most are going to be gone for good?

Unconsciously she muttering some spell while digging her own nails to her skin to peel it until it wounded and draw some blood,while Fabio still laughing to his success

"You know what? It's just matter of time for me to gain my strength and then...."

Fabio stop his babbling when he see Stella states,his eyes widen but before he gain his composure. Stella slammed her full palm's with a blood of it to Fabio's face. Fabio stunned and cannot move his body. His breathing became hard while eyeing Stella with hatred.

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