41# the end thank you

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Narrator pov:

"So this is the reason...."

Joker suddenly said blank face, King didn't respond. Quickly Joker attack him and give him a.....bear hug.

"Damn it,bro. I have NO idea what's going on...but congrats to both of you."

King stunned while starring directly at Fause eyes who just watch in the corner looking at him intensely. Then slowly Joker release King , they starred each other now with both blank expressions in quick movement without warning Joker punch King straight in the face. The impact make King face turned aside, his lips cut and draw some blood.

"You didn't change, aren't you? Still selfish prick you are."

Joker states spitefully


Fause wanted to interject but he was shout by Joker

"I know I look dumb! But I am NOT! That CHILD is..."

"MY CHILD...."

King cut Joker's words, Joker sneer at him and laugh without humor's

"Still living in your fantasy..."

Joker's words cut when he was slammed on the wall by King. King firmly hold him on his throat. That's where the others enter the scene

"What's going on here?"

Wyllard voice boom in the whole way, while Red (King father) rush to King side to stop him.

"Let him go...."

Red soothe trying to calm his son. King just growl at him and tighten his grip at Joker then suddenly King dropped to his knees... Wyllard and Red look at Fause who standing behind King. Fause holding King's arms.

"What did you do?"

Red asked

"Put some spell on him to make him numb ..."

While Fause answering them , King's body slightly move that make Fause panicked a little

"O shit! His strong!"

Joker exclaimed

"Of course he is..."

"He is MY son."

"He is an ALPHA."

Wyllard and Red sync in unison.

"I need to put some pressure more."

Fause added


"Release him..."


Fause wanted to protest but he was stop by Joker who still caressing his own neck

"It's alright....."

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