Chapter Ten

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*Sorta edited* Not proofread*

Chapter 10– The hangout; part 3:

        If I'm being honest, which I usually am— ironic considering I'm literally a walking lie— I haven't had a good fight in ages, and I've missed it. I can't join in with the action however, as apparently I go a little overboard (according to Jace) and I highly doubt the town folk of Raven Hollow want thirty-plus dead teenagers on their hands, but I'm entertained watching the brutal scene play out in front of my eyes; smelling the all-too-familiar scent of blood, hearing the pleasuring grunts of pain alongside people's terrified screams. Truthfully, the sight before me is so pleasing I'm actually able to drink my flat soda without frowning at the horrendous taste.

        It was Dakota who started the fight, and everything had seemed to escalate from there. I'm not exactly sure why the blonde-headed fuck had decided to initiate the blood-fest, but I'm not complaining. In fact, it's made my shitty night a little shittier. It's exactly what I need for having to put up with the infuriating beings that are Lilah and her group of idiots.

        So, as I stand with my ankles crossed, my back leaning against the wall as our table had been knocked over some time ago, I sip on my flat beverage, enjoying the show. It's much better than the television channels I get back at my temporary house.

        My eyes are trained on the boy who started this whole mess. He's strong, an alright fighter I'll admit, but I've seen much better. It's obvious he isn't a professional or anything of the sort, but he definitely isn't unfamiliar with the art of fighting. His hits are forceful but not precise; his movements alone are fast, however his reactions are too slow; he isn't aware of his surroundings either, only focused on the person he's throwing his punches at.

        He could use some work, but that isn't my business or my fucking problem.

        I'm jolted out of my observations when someone barges into me from the side, sending the contents of my drink down my shirt. I frown at the see-through mark on my white top before grabbing the man's collar and punching him straight in the fucking nose. I know I told Jace I wouldn't start anymore fights, however technically, I hadn't started this one— therefore I'm not breaking any rules. The man falls limp to the floor and I find myself feeling slightly less uptight.

        I've grown so accustomed to the suffering of myself and others I actually quite enjoy it now.

        My eyes stray away from the body knocked out on the floor when I hear my name being called from somewhere in the room, but there's so much going on that I can't quite pin-point where it's coming from. I step over the unconscious figure and try to manoeuvre my way through the violent mob, wanting to leave now I've played my part and seen a sufficient amount of the bar brawl.

        "Kody!" Shouts the same voice, who I have now come to realise is Zeke. I furrow my eyebrows as I witness him duck a punch that is meant for someone else before making his way over to me. Although I've only known him a week, I've never seen Zeke look this... serious. "Thank God you're alright. Where's Lilah?"

        I shrug. "How the fuck would I know?" I shout over the noise, grinding my teeth in annoyance as someone treads on my foot. In all honesty, I'd forgotten about the redhead. Once the fight had started and everyone broke out into a mini war, Lilah and I separated —luckily enough for me— and I figured she wasn't that stupid enough to stay.

        "You were with her. Didn't you take her outside?" He exclaims, looking around as he tries to spot Lilah amongst the crowd. He turns back to me, even angrier than before, probably because he can't find her. "For fucks sake. Come on!" He grabs my arm, trying to pull me forward.

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