Chapter Thirteen

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*Not edited* Not proofread*

Chapter 13Ready? For what?:

        I walk back into English class after lunch, confused and aggitated. Lilah had been stingy with information, and a part of me knew she had done it on purpose. It was all a part of her scheme to bond with me and become 'friends'.

        Dakota is already seated as I near our table, he smiles at me as I sit down. Another thing I had found out from Lilah was that Dakota's sudden change in behaviour towards me wasn't exactly 'unexpected'— although it was to me. Again, she hadn't given me much detail on the matter, but I don't exactly give any fucks as I couldn't care less about Dakota or the way he acts towards me.

        "So are you coming tonight?" The blonde boy wonders. Although he's a lot friendlier now— much to my dismay— his tone is still void of any emotion. He has one tone to his voice and that's pretty much it. He's also a very calm person; I've only ever seen him angered once, and that was on Saturday night when the fight broke out... Well, when he started it. It's quite infuriating to say the least. I had always grown up to believe showing emotion was a sign of weakness, but ironically I'm more at ease around people who are open with what they think and how the feel.

        They're easier to figure out that way. I know who's a threat and who isn't. But it's different with Dakota.

"Going where?" I know what he's talking about, but at the same time, I also have no fucking clue. After Lilah had invited me to this 'thing' that I would supposedly enjoy because I seem like the type of person to enjoy violence, she hadn't said much about it; only that I should pick her up at ten o'clock at her house if I wanted to find out. I assume she's going to give me the directions to this 'thing' later on. If not, then she's not getting a ride— she's getting run over.

        Dakota shrugs, his eyes on the front of the class as students begin to saunter in. It's obvious no one'a happy about the fact we have English twice in one day, all cursing under their breaths as they sit down in their assigned seats. I was absolutely horrified and had been close to dropping out when I had discovered this fact, but Jace told me no. Of course.

        Apparently the school week's alternate between Week A and B, which firstly had confused me to no end. I had joined in week A, therefore I hadn't known that we had double English on a Monday every other week. Now I wish I had been made aware of this information before joining Southraven High, because I defintely would have enrolled in a different school. Double English for the idiot who can neither read or write is torture and I'm pretty sure illegal.

        "Are you coming or not?"

        Before I can answer, Mrs. Bell waddles into the classroom, her smile widening as she catches sight of me. I curse quietly. "Alright kiddo's, books out, phones away." She closes the door after setting the pile of reading books on her desk. I don't hear what she says after that as I gaze out the window, lost in my own thoughts. It must have been a few minutes later when I realise Mrs. Bell has been calling my name. I hum in response and raise an eyebrow. "Were you listening, Kody?" She asks sweetly, her voice small and kind. I nod my head as I slouch in the chair with my arms crossed. I think she's aware that I hadn't been paying attention, but she accepts my answer nonetheless.

        I spend the rest of the lesson in silence— not that I usually speak to anyone or participate in class, anyway. My mind wanders to the plans I have made for tonight. It's rare for me to be going anywhere other than school, work, or my rented house, unless it's to the store or somewhere of the sort. I'm not a social person; I don't enjoy people's company and, up until I met Lilah, no one enjoyed mine, so I hope whatever this 'thing' is, it doesn't involve me interracting with other people. The only reason I've even agreed to go is because of my curiosity. If Lilah had just told me what I wanted to know, rather than being discreet about it, I probably wouldn't have said yes.

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