Chapter Fifty-One

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*Not edited*Not proofread*

Chapter 51– Who the fuck is this?:

I had never really seen Jace interact with anyone besides myself in the years I had been free to roam around the world. He spoke to those he needed to speak to— cashiers, workers at shops, creepy old ladies who hit on him because they claimed he looked like their late husband did "back in the day"— but never had he made friends or had a girlfriend or boyfriend that I know of. Even Jace and I had never really been friends, despite all the time we spent together and all the times we helped each other.

So seeing him here at the bonfire, smiling away as he converses with the normal humans, is a weird sight— so much different to what I'm used to. It makes me realise how much he had missed out on because of me.

        As much as I sometimes wonder about how my life would've turned out had things gone differently, I also wonder about how Jace's life would've played out if it weren't for me.

I think I've come to the conclusion that it would've been easier— a lot more simple without me around. I definitely think he'd be less stressed out and worried all the time; he would've been able to achieve a lot more than he has, done more with his life other than look out for me.

To put it bluntly, I believe he would've been happier.

        I wonder if he thinks the same...

A nudge to my side makes me snap my head up to Jace as he smiles down at me contently. He gestures in front of him with a slight nod of his head and I look to the spot he's signalling to. "Your little redhead friend is over there," he tells me like I don't have eyes of my own and can't see her standing there, bouncing on her toes as she chats animatedly with Zeke.

        I mutter out an audible, "Oh God," under my breath and turn myself around, hoping she hasn't spotted me yet.

        Jace laughs, and before I can even throw him a dirty look, he loudly calls out something I don't quite catch at the top of his lungs, and forcefully spins me back around. Everything happens so quick and before I know it, Lilah's curious hazel eyes are scanning the area in noticeable confusion until she sees me trying to flee her line of sight.

        "Oh my, you actually came!" She beams as she rushes over to me, a large smile forming on her lips as she faces me. I quickly glare behind me at Jace who continues to grin smugly as he carries on his conversation with the group of boys around him, not even sparing me a glance. He knows I'm looking though.

        "Not by choice," I grumble as I turn back to the petite ginger. My eyes trail across her makeup coated face and her curly hair. She wears a pair of blue jeans and, from what I can see, a white top that is covered with a brown scarf that goes with her brown jacket and brown ankle boots. She looks well put together; innocent and naive, ready for the world to chew her up and spit her out.

        Zeke finally reaches us, opting to stroll over rather than run like Lilah had, and hugs the air surrounding me in a playful manner, careful not to get too close. "You look nice," he tells me politely, despite the fact that I have made no effort whatsoever. I simply give a nod of acknowledgement to his statement, secretly cursing Jace in my head.

        "Did you come on your own?" Lilah asks me, pulling her jacket closer to her body, causing Zeke to let out a laugh.

        "Have you met Kody?" He snorts, "Like she came with anyone." My eyebrow raises and he throws me an awkward, cheeky smile. "Sorry, but it's true."

Subject Me To Life [Book One] ✔️ *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now