Chapter Thirty-One

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*Not Edited* Not Proofread*

Chapter 31- Emergency contact?:

        My headache is worse than any other I have ever experienced when I finally come to. My brain feels like it is jumping around inside my skull, my ears are ringing, and the voices inside my head are louder than they ever have been— screaming and shouting at me to get up, to move.

        I slowly open my eyes and blink once, twice, before squinting up at the bright ceiling. My head spins as I groan, my throat sore and mouth dry. As I move my neck, trying to erase the stiffness that is there, it sounds as if paper is being ruffled beneath me with the slight movement of my body.


        Although the voice sounds distant, I still know the familiar deepness of it belongs to Dakota. I grunt before adjusting myself into a sitting position, my palms flat against the thin paper beneath me and my legs dangling off whatever bed I'm on. "Careful," he worries, standing up from one of the the small armchairs against the left side wall. He stands at my side, watching me with a concerned look, hands ready to grab me if I pass out... again.

        "Must you stand so fucking close?" I grumble, rubbing the back of my neck slowly as I bow my head.

        "Do you ever not curse?" He counters. I roll my eyes at him as I attempt to lower myself to the marble floor beneath me. I've never been here before, but I have a feeling I'm in the nurse's office. "What are you doing?" Dakota asks, pushing me back onto the bed. "Annabelle said you shouldn't be—."

        "I don't know who the fuck Annabelle is but I sure as hell don't give a fuck about what she said," I snap, too exhausted to even think about the many ways I can snap his wrist, or possibly his neck.

        I watch as Dakota sighs and shakes his head, his blue eyes closing, hair disheveled and falling messily across his forehead, some strands sticking upright. He looks as exhausted as I feel. "You're extremely trying," he mutters out.

        Trying? Trying what?

        As I attempt to get down from the bed again, the thin paper sheet sticking to my sweaty palms, Dakota's hands shoot out to stop me. I grit my teeth together in aggravation. "Will you fu—." I'm abruptly cut off by the door beside us opening, revealing a tall woman with long blonde hair and a round face. Her green eyes widen as they rest upon me, her smile appearing shortly after.

        "Kody, you're awake," she states in surprise.

        "Quite obviously," I mumble, my throat still sore. Dakota must've heard as he shoots me a stern look, but turns around and walks over to the sink where he turns the tap on and lets it run.

        The woman smiles; whether she's oblivious to my rudeness or simply chooses to ignore it, I don't know. "My name's Annabelle, the school nurse," she goes on to explain, stating the obvious seeming to be a pass time of hers. I would've had to have been blind to not notice her attire. "I called your emergency contact number and your brother picked up?" She ends her statement as a question. I have no clue what she's on about, but nod my head to see where this is going. "He said he can't come to collect you, but gave you permission to make your way home by yourself. I just need to ask you some questions first."

        Emergency contact? Brother? Permission?


        "When was the last time you ate?"

         I think about it for a few seconds before shrugging my shoulders in reply. The nurse doesn't look happy at my non-verbal response so I tell her, "I don't know," as Dakota hands me a small, white, flimsy plastic cup of water. I take a few sips, feeling the cold liquid slide down my throat with ease. The blonde boy stands in front of me with his arms folded, his eyebrows furrowed as he stares at me questioningly.

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