3, Mind

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I walk. Faster, Faster, And Faster. Until I bump into someone. I fall on the ground. I look and see Kal. Her eyes express anger. And so does her body language. I'm in deep now.

"WHERE were you at lunch?" She says with her words sounding full of venom. "Did you forget you have friends or something?"

"No I was with Hunter, he wanted to have some... alone time." I said like a whisper.

"Oh" she said looking confused and then she got what I was saying and a smirk was placed firmly on her face now. "Ooohhhh I see, my little girl is growing up" She said wiping fake tears.

"Oh, just help me up." I said. She grabs my hands and I said thank you and walk away to my class.

After school, I see my sisters car and jump In. I listen to her awful music and hope my ears bleed. I look out the window to see Nova.

She's with a group of People and there all laughing but her. She's picking at her nails. As we drive away, I feel hot all over from remembering the way our shoulders brushed when she walked by me.

When we got home I went straight to my room. I turned the corner to meet Gabriel. And I walked right passed him. I got to my room and laid on my bed, pulling my hair out of the perfect ponytail I had once put in just this morning.

I took out my homework and started it.

I couldn't even finish half the page without thinking about her.

Her hair. It's long and the color lilac. It fits her complexion.

Her scent. She smells like a mixture of strawberries and vanilla. I wonder if that's how she taste-

"Hey sis, Dad wants us down stairs. Family meeting." My sister said stopping me from my thoughts.

"Okay I'll be down in a sec." I said. She leaves and I take a second to put my hair back in a ponytail.

I take my time walking down the stairs because whatever the issue is, it doesn't involve me.

"Well look who decided to show up" Gabriel said with a cocky smile. I walk passed him like I always do.

"Well your mother and I have some news." My dad said with a smile.

"Oh God your not pregnant again are you?" Scarlett asked with a look of disgust.

"What NO! I am not pregnant why would you ask me that. Do I look pregnant?" My mom said absolutely outraged from that mere question. For having five kids, my mom was in really good shape. Better than her kids I would say. But I'm purely a stick so I wouldn't know.

They went back and forth and I zoned out yet again. I stared thinking about her again.

Her eyes. They were green but like the best type of green.

"The news is that we are getting your sister a car!" My dad said fed up with all the bickering. Which one I was thinking?

Her smell yet again flooded my mind. Her hands how they grabbed my waist. I wondered if that's how she would grab me down-

I heard a sound. Who made that sound.

I came back to present time and saw everyone of my siblings looking at me. So was my mom and dad.

I looked at them with a blank stare I didn't know what was happening.

"Did. You. Just moan?" My brother Thomas said breaking the silence.

When I looked down to see I was rubbing my inner thigh. I was thinking about her... NO.

"What? no. I was just um. Who gets the car?" I said changing the subject and moving my hands from my thigh to my lap.

"Uh you sweetheart we are buying you a car" My dad said. I could tell from his expression he was concerned.

"What! Your getting me a car?" I said getting up surprised. All went back to normal.

Yet I couldn't help but feel weird from my sound. Why did that come out of my mouth?

After the car talk, I went back to my room but being stopped by my sister Lucille.

"I think we both know you moaned in the meeting. So tell me who we're you thinking about?" She said with a smug smile.

"I wasn't thinking about anything it just came out... I don't know why" I said kinda stuttering and looking everywhere but her eyes.

She lets it go but I know she'll bring it up later.

I go to my room and try to do the rest of my homework.

But my mind is still on Nova..


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