21, Beauty

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"It wasn't your fault, you know" I say out of the blue. Grace turns and looks at me with a confusion. She looks more gorgeous everyday she's around. Is she a goddess of some kind because she sure looks like one. "It's not your fault your mom hit you."

"Oh, well you don't know the whole story, it was my fault." She says turning back to cutting up the veggies she had in her hand. She was trying to make a salad. Key word trying. She had somehow never made one leaving me super confused yet oddly delighted.

"She put a hand on you, there is no good reason for that." I say and she puts the knife down. She looks at me and I can already see the tears brewing in her eyes. God how I wish I could take the pain away from her. This ache hasn't left my chest since she showed up on Saturday. It's Tuesday now.

"No, it was mine. Because I- because I didn't show up on time. I went in her face and I kept nagging her it was on me." She says with tears now streaming down her face . The slight crack in her voice suggest that she had thought about this for some time. I hate that. I put my hands on either side of her face, looking at her deeply.

"She chose to get physical, that's on her. Sure, maybe you could have been on time but she was the one who put her hand on you, that doesn't make it okay and I need you to understand that this wasn't your fault. You're a teenager, she's an adult. She's grown and she knows what's right and wrong. You did nothing wrong my love"

She cries more and I hold her. Her head on my shoulder and mine on hers. I rub her back slightly so she knows I'm here for her. God, if I ever saw her mom how I would slap the silly out of her the first chance I got. How do you just hit your own child? Has she does this before?

"Is this the first time she's gotten physical before?" I ask her, I can feel her tense up in my arms. God no.
"No" she replies. "She slapped me once before. I was 10. It was the last big fight we had. I ran off that time too just this time, I had you to comfort me."

I look down and she has the tinniest of smiles present on her face. God how was I not to fall in love with that face? She's so beautiful.

"I'm so sorry" I whisper, she looks up at me and pulls my lips to hers. The kiss was slow but I could hear my heart beating in my chest. Her lips are so soft and work wonders on mine. I wish I could kiss her pain away but I can't.

"You don't have to apologize, you did nothing wrong. I seem to just get under her skin. She never wanted me in the first place. Well she never wanted kids to begin with."

"Why did she have five then?"

"Because my dad wanted more kids. And she would do anything to make him happy, even though she wouldn't be." That's just ridiculous, who would do that.

"I don't get that. Just don't have kids, what's the issue?" I ask her, annoyed that people make babies they don't want then treat them like garbage. It was cruel to give a child a life where you never wanted them.

"Do you want kids?" she asks me, I look her in the eyes again. Those brown eyes will always make the world stop. They were slightly red from crying but she was as beautiful as ever.

"I think I do, how about you?" I knew she wanted to change the subject so I let her, might as well.

"I want two, possibly. I want to give a kid a life I never got. A home I wanted but didn't receive." She explains in a soft tone. Her voice is like honey, sweet and rich.

"You'd be the best mom ever." I smile so she knows I'm serious. And she then smiles back at me.

"We have time to figure this stuff out, I mean I'm barely turning sixteen."

"Yeah but still. I know." I look deeply into her eyes. I want to give her that family. I know, I'm young and this might not last but I just feel it. I want to make her happy till the day I die. I want this.

"I'm happy with you" she says and my heart feels whole.

"I'm happy with you too"

"Kiss me" She closes her eyes expectingly and I do as she wishes. I kiss her slowly, bringing my hand to lay on her cheek. She smiles softly. I want this for a lifetime.

I want her for two lifetimes.

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