18, Week days

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Monday was very quiet. The world slowly taking shape and the sounds absorbing the world around me. The day was still without any outside interference. School was, as always, nothing but a speck in my day. But in the afternoon was when the day took shape and my stars aligned with my moon. The world stopped and all I had was the lily pads Nova has for eyes. I took her hand in mine and we walked along the same beach we had are first talking session. Her hand intertwined with mine and she stopped walking. I turned to look at her but she was already looking at me. Her face was serious and I had the feeling of curiosity take control.

"I'm sorry" she said and I turned my head a little, confused as all hell.

"Why? For what?" I asked.

"For everything. For being a creep. For messing up your past relationship. For being forward, too forward. For saying gross things that I shouldn't have to someone I didn't know. I didn't know you."

"Why are you apologizing all of a sudden? I told you it's okay, I'm over it." I said, trying to clarify that what happened earlier is over. I'm still here with her.

"Because I've been thinking about it

"Do know why i like you?"


"I like how honest you are, I like how true you are. I like the way you roll your eyes and how you bite your lip in any given situation. You don't know boundaries that's true but you are the most sympathetic person ever. You laugh when you're uncomfortable and you smile when you're nervous. I like how gentle you are yet so tough. The most beautiful person I've ever met and you chose to apologize about something that happened months ago. I like you, Nova. That's why I'm here. Not cause you forced me or that I liked your creepiness, cause I didn't but I stuck around. And I'm glad I did."

Instead of saying something, she brought my lips to hers and kissed me till we both couldn't breath. I was falling in love. For the first time.


Tuesday was dangerous.

Nova would pull me aside in the shadows of the hall way to kiss me, hold my hand, or just touch me in general. It was risky but I loved every second of it. Her hand was soft and fit perfectly into mine. Her eyes were soft and looked like pure green in a Monet painting. Her smile was dopey and met her eyes. She was all I thought about all hours of the day. Tuesday was dangerous but so very nice.

Wednesday was the same. Then Thursday. But then came Friday.


Friday was a dream.

School got out early that day. Nova wanted to take me out on a date and I said yes. Malea and Kali we're gonna hangout. And the day was looking like a good one, the sun was shinning bright and the air quality was nice. My phone was at 76 % and everything felt new. But then someone with intentions of mischief decided to ruin the wonderful day.

"You look good today" He said while looking me up and down.

"I know" I said not paying much attention to him.

"You Should, confidence is hot" he explains to me but I could careless. I roll my eyes and leave the area I was stopping by at. He follows me.

"What do you want, Hunter?" I finally asked to get him to say what he needs to say.

"I love you Grace." He says with kind eyes.

"Okay? And?" I said back, really annoyed at that point.

"I want to be with you, I want every second of everyday with you. You make me want to scream from the roof top and I would, for you. I will do anything you ask me to do, Grace."

"Really? Anything?" I ask him.


"Okay" i said stepping closer to him. I looked him in the eyes and continued. "Then leave. Me. Alone"

I walk away with my eyes rolling and a pep in my step, trying to get as much space from him as possible. But he wouldn't budge. Most of the school day he had cornered me and begged for my attention. I was running most of the day but by the end I was too tired to run away.

"Grace, please" he begged. I leaned my head against the bench. And he got up and in front of me. "Give me one more chance."

"God" is all i could say at that point. I moved away and up from him but he grabbed my arm. I turned to look at him and his eyes were begging once again. Nothing. I felt nothing of the action. I was pissed. "What?"

Instead of answering my question, he took my face in his hands and kissed me. He pushed him away immediately. I started to rub my mouth with my hand and walking away frantically. He started to walk towards me again.

"Stop!" I said and he did. "Come towards me one more time and I will scream so loud, I swear to god hunter."

Just in time, Nova stepped out of the school and saw us. She walked up and looked between us. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I'll get my stuff so we can go." And she nodded while looking directly at Hunter. I think he started to get who Nova was to me by then. I grabbed my backpack and went to Novas car. She followed soon after.

The car ride was quiet and tension was clearly in the air. I wasn't sure what to do because I could never lie to Nova. But this was too soon after we got together. Too soon after the last time. It was all too soon. I felt a tear fall from my eye. It was my turn to apologize.

"Im sorry" i said in a breathy tone of voice. She stopped the car by a park and got out. She slammed the door. And I jumped from being scared. Scared of what would happen.

I got out of the car and went to sit by her. She was laying flat on the grass with her arms crossed in her stomach. Even with the stress of hunter she still got me to feel those silly little bugs in my stomach. She still got me to fall even deeper in love with her.

I sat down and just started to talk, it was better then being silent.

"I can't lie to you and tell you nothing happened. But know that I didn't start it nor did I want it to happen. He. God he. He kissed me with my consent and practically chased me the whole day, talking about how he loves me and he cares about me. He kept coming after me and I kept telling him to leave me alone." I said. The tears were pouring down my face and the anxiety started to kick in. If I lose her because of Hunter, I would breakdown. "I don't want him. I never have. I want to be with you, nothing has made me happier. I can't. I can't. I'm sorry-"

Getting interrupted by a kiss can be nice but getting interrupted my a hug is what makes my heart flutter. She held me tight to her chest, soothing me with heart beat and light kiss on my forehead. Her hand rubbing my back and her other pulling strands of hair behind my ear. She finally pulls me up by my chin. She takes in my probably horrible looking face and wipes my tears away with her thumb. She smiles lightly and kissed my forehead once more.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. But you're safe now, with me. You don't have to worry about him here" I could have cried again at that statement but I didn't. I just kissed her. And let her hands roam my thighs as she let my hands explore her hair. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss and she did the same. In the background was a slight tussle of leaves breaking and feet shuffling, but who could care about that when the girl who you are desperately falling in love with, pulls you closer and kisses you again, until you can't breath. She was beginning to be my everything, and there was no Turning back.

Friday was hell but also such a dream. I think I'm gay. Or at least I'm in love with Nova.

NOVA | gxg Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ