7, Aftermath

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"No" I whispered. "No"

There he is. Right there. With her.

He was on top of her with his shirt off. I walked in on him taking off his belt.

The door creaked. He looked at me. The eyes I saw in the cafeteria yet again present. He was now fully aware of his surroundings as we made eye contact.


Distraught from this encounter, I ran.

"GRACE WAIT" He cried.

But I kept going. The feeling in my chest didn't match how I was supposed to feel though. I was supposed to be upset. Yet I wasn't. I was just anxious now.

I zig zagged my way through the crowd and ran outside. I couldn't breathe. I found this little corner and sat down on the ground.

I couldn't believe how much of an idiot I am? How did I not notice or figure it out? How was I so stupid? Why did she kiss her?

My heart was full of all these emotions I was unaware of until this moment in time. My heart ached for someone and it wasn't Hunter.

I calmed my breathing and just sat there and wondered what was next. Nova is my friend. Hunter is an idiot. And I'm all alone.
All of a sudden I hear people fighting.

"Oh my god, Mal there is no time for this we have to find her. Hunter said she ran off and you know what that means." Kali said. She looked annoyed out of her mind.

"I was just saying why did you have to do that tonight. I mean couldn't you have kissed her at another party. Maybe this wouldn't have happened." Malea said also looking frustrated.

"Are you really blaming this on me? You are the one that was with her last. I was just trying to have a good time."

"Then don't rub your good time in my face like that."


"Guys, please stop" my voice croaked. It was disgusting.

They looked at me. And I saw the shock and fear In their eyes as they took me in.

I got up and fixed my dress. Kali saw the tear stains on my face. Her face now shown only of concern.

"Can you take me home?" I asked Kali.

"Yeah sure let me just go get Hunter." She said

"No he's fine, let's just go" I said. Going straight for the car. My friends following right behind.

They kept asking if I was okay. What happened with Hunter? Did I have another panic attack?

But they got no answer. I just sat in the car, leaned my head against the window and hoped the world would swallow me whole.

I spent the whole weekend in my room. I have never received so many text messages In my life. From Hunter, Kalila, Malea, and Nova.

I saw her name pop up and I felt my heart yet again ache for her. I hate her. Yet I responded.

Nova: Hey you left the party early! I wanted to thank you for coming and also have that dance ;)

Grace: You seemed busy, so I left.

I felt petty. But it didn't matter she wasn't going to respond. Or was she.

Would it matter? No cause I want nothing to do with her. But she didn't owe me anything. She doesn't know I know. But she's my friend. Yeah so why do I hate her? Oh god please answer.

Nova: Are you okay? You seem upset.

How would she know by just one text? Is she psychic? Or is she just good at reading people? Am I that expressive? Or is it just connection?

Grace: I don't know what you mean. I'm fine.

Nova: when someone says their fine, they usually aren't fine. Tell me. I won't bite.

I look at my phone and consider telling her my feelings. There might be a chance she could help me. Or felt the same way.

Grace: Hunter is cheating on me.

I felt my throat close. She wasn't replying.
I couldn't tell her. So I turned my phone off again and continued on with my weekend plans.

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