10, Confession

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"She what?" Kali asked. Shocked at my sudden confession.

"Nova kissed me." I repeated.

"Did you like it?" She asked. I didn't respond.

"Oh my god you liked it." She said. She looked kinda excited. I just fell back on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

"So how was it? Is she a good kisser? I've always wondered that." She asked. I could tell how seriously curious she was.

I didn't respond right away, I kinda just look at the ceiling hoping the sheets would  swallow me. I finally sat up.

"It was amazing." I said. Not looking at her but It was a step. "But It wasn't long."

"Doesn't have to be a long kiss for it to be amazing." She said with a smile. Finally she's smiling. "It could just be an amazing kiss."

I smile. Finally I can talk about it.

"Im happy for you" She said. "And I knew it."

I looked at her with question. What did she know?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"A gay vibe, I've always had it. But I just didn't want to asume."

"You already know Nova's gay. What do you mean?"

"I mean with you silly." She said smiling.

"But I'm not gay." I said. She looked at me surprised as all hell.

"Are you kidding me?" She asked. I shook my head no. And she rolled her eyes at me. What?

"Grace you kissed a girl. And you liked it. I see the way you look at her. You're not good at hiding things from me." She said. She looked very serious now.


"No buts, you know you could be bisexual like me. Or pan? Or anything else? I mean you loved Hunter right?" She asked me. I looked down. Her jaw dropped.

"Oh my god, you didn't love Hunter" she said.

"It's complicated." Is all I said. She shook her head.

"You got to figure that out. At your own pace of course but just know Nova has real feelings, you can't just go messing with them" She said in a serious tone.

I just shook my head yes and asked for a hug. We hugged and hung out until it got late. I went home and sat in my room and thought maybe I was gay.

I mean the way Nova has made me feel in this short time. Hunter has never made me feel like this in two years.

And now I'm confused.

The next day

I walked down the halls to my locker. My mind was going a million miles per minute and I couldn't even comprehend what was happening.

At my locker was non other than Hunter himself, and I knew I had no other choice but to confront this problem head on.

I got to my locker and he immediately started to apologize. It was so annoying. Like I don't care.

"Please baby I'm begging you to forgive me." He said. Ew he said baby.

"It's fine" I said with a smile.

"Wait really." He asked shocked.

"Yes, really." I said, grabbing my books from my locker and closing it. I started to walk away when he grabbed my arm.

"So we are still together right?" He asked with so much hope in his voice.

"Well of course not Hunt, I mean you weren't happy, I wasn't either, why go back" I said, straight faced.

I watched as the boy with so much hope fell apart right in front of me. I didn't wait for him to respond and I walked to my next class.

At the end of the day, I sat at a bench by the parking lot and would be here for the next two hours waiting for Lucy.

I felt someone come up next to me.

"Hey Grace" she said. My heart stopped.

I turned and saw that it was her like I thought. She looked nervous. She bit her bottom lip. My heart sped up again .

"Hi" I said also nervous.

"I wanted to apologize, I shouldn't have kissed you, it was wrong and I'm really sorry." She said, her eyes looking straight Into mine. Her eyes were a dark green.

"You don't have to be sorry, it's fine, the kiss was.." I said trying not out myself right then and there. "It was good."

She chuckled. I felt heat raise in my cheeks. "Was it now?" She asked with a smile.

I shook my head yes. And looked at my hands.

"Do you want to hang out?" She asked. I feel like I gave myself whiplash with how fast I looked up. "We did say we wanted to know more about each other"

"Um sure" I said with a smile. "Where would we go?" I asked.

"Just my place." She said. "Is that okay?"

"Yes" I said quite eagerly and fast. She laughed and said okay and we made our way to her car.

What is this gonna turn Into?

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