19, I Hate U

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Now I'm here sitting in my living room, getting yelled at by my mother and father, while my siblings growl in the background. It's Wednesday and it's 12 at night. Honestly, I just didn't wanna come home but I forgot that today was a mandatory family dinner. I'm a teenager can you blame me. I spent the night cuddled against Nova as she read a book. I didn't mind the silence between us it was because it was quiet comforting. We didn't have to talk or kiss to enjoy each other's company. But here I am getting a lecture.

"You are 15, you are still so Young, what are you doing with your life? Why are you messing it up?" My mom practically screams in my face. I roll my eyes.

"Why do you care? Shouldn't you be trying to get pregnant again? Oh right you can't, your too old" I say with a smirk on my face.

"Don't say that to your mother? Do you hear me young lady?" My Dad says, he doesn't like to get angry at me. I must really have pissed him off.


"Now I don't ask for a lot but I do ask for you to be here for dinner on Wednesday. Is that so hard?" His voice gets louder by the minute.

"Daddy, Im sorry okay! This is the first time I've missed a dinner and the only time, I swear!" I plead with him. His eyes soften at the word daddy. I haven't called him that since I was thirteen. He must have missed it.

"You are something else, lying to us, where were you?" My mother asks. I try my best not to smack her. I don't lie often or even to my mom. Even though we fight often, why lie to her?

"I was with a friend." I explain, My mom rolls her eyes with anger. I hate this .

"The girl with the purple hair?" My sister asks. I look at her in question.

"Yes, with her." My family's ears raise, like I just say the right lottery ticket numbers.

"Who is she?" She asks further. I never have new friends so I guess that makes sense.

"Her name is Nova and we met at school." I explain. If they knew what we do, I wouldn't still get that car.

"WHERE were you? At a party? Cheating on your boyfriend?" My mom accuses me. My eyes bug out at the word boyfriend.

"What?" I say.

"Are you having sexual intercourse?" She says and I my nose scrunches up. Do they think I've been having sexual this whole time.

"No, I'm not. What are you accusing me of now?" I scream at her.

"Honey, let's just stop and go to bed." My dad says, I guess I didn't soften him up.


"WELL YOU SURE LOOK LIKE ONE" I say as I get up and toward her. I look at her with angry eyes and She took one look at me and swung her hand. The contact was brief but it left my cheek with a sting and a moment of disbelief. My eyes stung with tears as the moment became reality.

"Mom!" My siblings scream, "ABBY!" My father screams. She looks at me regret present in her eyes.

"Honey, I'm- I'm so" she starts to cry but I just go off instead.

"I broke up with Hunter, months ago because he cheated on me but of course you wouldn't care about that because you don't care about me! All you care about is being perfect and having your children reflect everything that you weren't. Well I'm sorry mom but I'm NOT PERFECT. I never loved Hunter, I did it for you. I made myself something I'm not for you. I hate myself because of you. I HATE YOU. ALL YOU'VE EVER DONE IS RUIN GOOD THINGS FOR ME AND I HATE IT. I HATE YOU." I scream At her, then I ran. I ran out of the house, ignoring my siblings cries and also my fathers. She wasn't worth anything. Neither were they.

My legs soon gave out and walking was a better alternative, I didn't know where to go but I just kept walking. I walked until I was at the front of House I'd been to just earlier. I knocked twice before she answered the door.

"Grace?" Nova asks, "what's wrong"

Too much to say and so little time. Nova, this is my life. And I hope you still want to be in it.


Happy New Year!

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