Chapter 45

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"Princess! Why are you here so early? Where's your wife?" He asked me.

"She's gone and it's all your fault!" I yelled, which surprised him.

"What are you saying?" He asked again.

"Don't act like you don't know anything. I know that you're the one why Lisa and I broke up two years ago." I said coldly, I don't have tears left to cry anymore, maybe I cried it all last night.

"Jennie.." he started.

"Tell me why did you do that.. tell me EVERYTHING." I said glaring at him, I don't care if he's my grandfather.

"Come in. I'll tell you everything." He said and I obliged.

I sat at the couch and looked at him, waiting for him to start explaining.

"You always visit me and your grandmother when she's still alive. One day, you visited us and brought one friend. We were surprised and happy because it's the first time you brought a friend." He said. "She's Lisa. All of us know that you two were just bestfriend and we're happy that you two prioritized your studies. When your grandmother died, you were the most broken. Lisa was there and she helped you, comforted you, and stayed for you. But after we found out that you two were having a secret relationship, I was so mad. Your my only grand daughter and I don't want you to have a relationship with another woman. I went to your house and told your father all your wrong doings, I'm expecting him to get mad but instead, he said it's okay as long as you are happy. But I threatened them, I told them I will disown all of you and you will die poor. He said that he won't choose business and money over his family's happiness. He told me to take all what I have given to them, so I did." He said and began to cry.

"You ran away from your home not knowing what I did to your parents. I used you, I went to Lisa's apartment and found you there. I told you what I did to your parents and asked you to choose, your parents or Lisa. You choose to go with me because you can't afford to leave your parents like that. I locked you up in your room and told the securities not to let you go out. Your father went to my house and told me to let you go, he opened your room and told you that Lisa will be leaving the country. He helped you to go out of the house and let you drive his car. But, you got into an accident. We're thankful that you woke up after a month. Your father blamed himself and had the change of heart. After that, he did all the things I ordered him to do. I told them to go back in Korea and start a new life." I can't stop but let myself cry again, I did not know my father sacrificed so much but still, I ended up hating him because I thought he was pushing me to do the things that I don't want to do.

"Your family changed, you were no longer the happy and open family that you used to be. It's like, the warm turned into cold. One day, I asked your father why, he said that he feels bad because he thinks that he failed to be a father to you, he took away your happiness and he couldn't do anything to bring it back to you. He was crying and wishing that your grandmother was there, to comfort him and tell him what is the right thing to do. I felt my heart broke at the sight, after hearing him saying that, I realized that I failed to be a good father to him too, and a grandfather to you. So I told him that I want to help him, but first, he needs to help me to fix the things that I have ruined. And the first one, is bringing back Lisa to you. I thought that if Lisa will be with you again, everything will go back to what it used to be. But I'm wrong, we should've told you what really happened first. I got scared that you will hate me more so I didn't tell you, I'm so selfish. Now, things got more messed up. I'm so sorry my princess." He apologized and reached for my hand but I stood up.

"Thank you for telling me everything." I smiled bitterly. "But I think it would be hard for me to accept your apology." I said and turned my back at him.


"Jennie? What are you doing here sweetie?" My mom asked me when she saw me inside the mansion.

I did not answer her and hugged her instead.

"Mom.. I missed you." I cried.

"I missed you too sweetie, God knows how much I'm happy to see you again." She said as she hug me tighter.

I saw my father going down the stairs and he was surprised to see me.

I quickly ran to him and hugged him. I felt his body stiffened.

"Dad.. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm the worst." I said burrying my face in his neck. "I'm sorry for saying hurtful things to you, I'm sorry for hurting you. Dad, I love you so much. Please forgive me." I said.

"Shh.. stop crying princess, I don't want my only daughter to get ugly." He joked that made me laughed.

"Yah! I'm serious." I said annoyed.

"It's okay. I heard what happened." He said.

"Dad.." I tried to talk but I can't say anything.

"It's okay sweetie, you don't have to apologize. I understand you." He said as he rubbed my back to calm me.

"Dad, Lisa left me." I said and looked at him.

He smiled sadly. "We talked before she left. I'm sorry sweetie, but I can't help you right now. I want to respect Lisa's decision, she's hurt and broken. She needs space so let's just let her. I'm proud of her to make such a decision, she's such a selfless person. She really loves you. I'm happy that she understands you and let you go so you can be with the one that you really love."

"But Dad, Lisa is the one that I love. I don't want to lose her, I love her so much." I told him that made him shocked.

"Jennie.." he said with a worry.

"I'm so stupid.. I should have treated her right. I shouldn't felt confuse with my feelings to her. If I just told her what I really feel." I said with regrets.

"I'm sorry princess, but we're too late. We don't know where she is now. I tried to asked her parents but they told me Lisa didn't told them where she went too. I guess she really wants to forget her feelings for you." My father said and gave me a look of sympathy.

I cried and cried again until I fell asleep.

Take care!

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