Chapter 66

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3rd Person's POV

"I can't believe your Mommy will ditch me, us. I mean, it's my first birthday that I will celebrate with the two of you. We already planned what we will do this day." Jennie said as she looked sadly at Angelo.

"I know Mommy will never leave us if it's not important. Maybe the company really needs her. Don't be sad Mommy, at least you still have me right?" Angelo held his Mommy Jennie's hand and smiled at her.

"Awww.. what would I do without you? I'm really lucky to have you my little boy." Jennie awed and hugged the little boy.

"Let me be your man for today, Mommy Jen." The boy said happily.

"Hmm.. sounds good to me!" Jennie answered and for the first time of the day, she forgot that Lisa didn't come with them.

It's her 27th birthday today. Lisa and her had planned what they will do today with their son Angelo but something came up. As soon as they went outside their house, Mina, Lisa's secretary called Lisa and told her that there's a big emergency in the company and she is badly needed to go there.

Lisa doesn't have a choice but to apologize to Jennie and leave her with their son to continue their supposed to be birthday celebration for Jennie.

Jennie was disappointed as hell, she was looking forward for this day because her past birthdays with Lisa didn't turn that well. First, their wedding and second, when Lisa decided to break up with her and let her go.

Today, she wants to make her birthday special not only for her, but for Angelo and especially for Lisa. She wants to give Lisa a happy memory for this day. But, it seems like luck isn't on her side today.

Jennie and Angelo spent their time playing in arcades, ate lunch in one of  Jennie's favorite restaurants, went shopping and watched the sunset at the seaside.

Jennie enjoyed the day, but it would be more wonderful if Lisa was with them.

It was evening already and they are heading to her another favorite restaurant.

"Are you still in the company?" Jennie texted Lisa.

After a minute, Lisa called and she immediately answered.

"Yes Love, I think I'll be staying for 3 hours more. I'm really sorry, Love. I promise I'll make it up to you." Lisa said sadly and Jennie was disappointed again. She can hear voices in the backgroud and base on what she's hearing, there is really a problem in the company.

Jennie sighed, "It's okay. Don't forget to eat dinner okay? Angelo and I will go home after we eat." She said.

"Yeah. I'm really sorry, Love. Eat well with Angelo okay? Take care. I love you." Lisa said.

"Yeah. You too, I love you too." Jennie answered then she heard the line was cut.

Jennie parked the car. Angelo was excited and didn't wait for her to go out. He went out immediately and ran to her side and opened the door for her.

"You really are doing a good job for being my man for today, huh?" She asked Angelo.

"Of course! Mommy told me to take care of you." Angelo winked that made Jennie laughed.

"You really are like your mommy." She said and took Angelo's hand.

They are walking towards the entrance when she noticed that the lights are off.

"Huh? Is it closed?" She asked confused. They walk closer but she didn't saw anyone inside.

"Baby, I think they're closed. Let's just go to another restaurant." Jennie said and pulled Angelo but the boy stopped her.

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